9mm vs whitetail deer

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A friend of mine stuck a whitetail doe around 8:45 Saturday morning and his expanding broad head didn't open. He tried for an hour to find the deer and then backed out for lunch. After lunch we went back to look for the deer and around 2:00, he found her. She stood up near him and he got a shot off with his .22lr revolver before she ran off. We were able to pick back up a blood trail and followed her until the blood stopped. I eventually spotted her about twenty yards away and took a shot* with my Glock 26. The ammunition was 147 gr Rem GS. The first shot broke the right front shoulder, penetrated the chest cavity and lodged in the left shoulder. The jacket was starting to separate from the core and one of the petals had broken away. The projectile had expanded to a little more than 0.5" at its widest point. The deer jumped up to run and I shot it again, this time hitting the right rear leg breaking the bone and lodging in a ham. This bullet had the core separate from the jacket which was expanded to more than 0.6". Another shot at the deer hit the neck and wasn't recovered. Two other shots at the running deer missed. A final shot was a coup de grace behind the left ear which exited the mouth and also wasn't recovered.

I think the ammunition performed as well as pistol ammunition could be expected. A 147 grain bullet from a 9mm doesn't do the same damage as a bullet of the same weight from a .308. Shot placement wasn't easy on the deer while it was moving through the thick brush with the only well placed shots (first and last) being at the deer while it was stationary. I expended six of ten rounds of ammunition to bring the already wounded deer down, though I probably could have waited a bit after the first shot and recovered the deer.

*Normally I wouldn't shoot a deer with a firearm during bow season but this mortally wounded animal needed to be put down.


New member
I am not a hunter but this isn't a story I would want to post online. Your friend shot at it with a .22? For what purpose? And if you had so much time to prepare (lunch), why were you packing a 9mm handgun? You said yourself a .308 was needed for the job.

Again, I am not a hunter, but I would never take a shot at an animal unless I was damn near certain it would kill it immediately. Anything else is unacceptable.


New member
An obvious poor choice of archery equipment led to an equally poor decision to illegally take a deer during the archery season. Not a story that anyone should be proud to tell!
Again, I am not a hunter, but I would never take a shot at an animal unless I was damn near certain it would kill it immediately. Anything else is unacceptable.
Failing that, it would be the hunter's responsibility to track the animal to the disregard of anything else, and to dispatch it cleanly. Hunting isn't a time to do amateur ballistics testing.

Aside from being cruel and irresponsible, at least one law was broken by carrying and using a rimfire, and another by using a firearm during primitive weapons season.

2damnold4this, please tell me you're not as proud of your actions as your post suggests.
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New member
This from Georgia law:
Possession of firearm while hunting with bow and arrow: Except for those with a valid carry license, it shall be unlawful for any person to possess any center-fire or rim fire firearm while hunting with a bow and arrow during archery or primitive weapons season for deer or while hunting with a muzzle loading firearm during a primitive weapons season for deer. (You can now protect yourself from 2 legged creatures while using primitive weapons to hunt for the 4 legged kind) (27-3-6, 16-11-127)
This does not mean you can use your CCW firearm to take deer during the archery season. Wounded, or not!!!


New member

I would think with a screen name like this you would know better. to do this or to post it!


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A diamond is forever, but the Internet is also everywhere, incriminating & evidence..

Maybe 2old wants to reconsider his post and edit it... like deleting the entire text...

Wasn't there a dad / protector / hunter who recently got snagged by describing his activities to protect his family from a Grizzly, on the Internet?


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Nothing to be proud of in my view. Animals deserve a clean kill when possible. When wounded they deserve a proper firearm to reduce the suffering.:(



New member
:(That makes me cringe. What did that deer do to you? Very sad. Hunting is one thing. Inflicting that on a creature such as that ISN'T hunting


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I thought a (ccw)firearm during archery season could only be used if your own life was being threatened; not to dispatch a wounded animal. I you are hunting archery shouldn't the animal also be dispatched by archery? I hunt modern firearm season, although I'm not opposed to archery, I just don't understand the in's & out's of it.


New member
While some of you pull that foot back out of your mouth....

I'd like to remind you that each state has different laws. We all have to abide by different rules. Some rules seem like "cheating" to people from other states, while we view their own regulations as the same thing (cheating).

In addition... several Southern states allow archery hunters to track wounded deer, while in possession of handguns (often restricted to .22s only, but not always). Those handguns are legal to use for dispatching the animal. (Completely aside from CCW allowances.)

You need to KNOW the law, before you can tell some one they're breaking it. (Looking it up after the fact doesn't count.)

In my state, the above situation would be poaching. But, in several Southern states... it's perfectly legal.


New member
Not legal to use a handgun to kill deer in many states (even to finish them off if first shot with a legal long gun)


New member
I'll leave my foot where it is!

FrankenMauser do a google search for Georgia DNR, look it up for yourself
You need to KNOW the law, before you can tell some one they're breaking it.
In Georgia, it is legal for a licensed individual to carry a firearm during primitive weapon (archery) season, but it is not to be used on animals. Open season doesn't start until the third week of October.

Furthermore, it is illegal under any circumstances to even carry a rimfire pistol, much less use one. I can provide code citations if you'd like them.

This guy broke the law. More to the point, he needs some serious lessons in what constitutes hunting, and what simply constitutes animal cruelty (also a crime). Georgia has its share of poachers, and of irresponsible "hunters." We don't need any more giving the rest a bad name.


New member
Also alot of state have laws establishing a minimum legal handgun caliber for executing safe and effective finishing shots....that is legal finishing shots.
This is one of those threads that I really hate to see on TFL.

Illegal activities by some give all gun owners a serious image problem.

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