9mm vs. Blue Whale

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I'm heading to the beach soon, and as I understand it there have been a LOT of problems with delinquient blue whales prowling the beaches and preying on tourists.

Is a 9mm enough gun to stop a blue whale if I find myself in a position where I have to shoot to protect myself?

Which is better, hardball or one of the expanding rounds?

Personally I attribute this problem to those damned liberal environmental whackos...


New member
Penetration is the key. Since the vitals are so large accuracy is not such a big deal. Stick that little pill in a 45 case and yous got a Moby Dick killer.

Next week on 9mm vs.....

9mm vs. the Giant Redwood Tree.
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New member
How many float drums can a 9mm round hold. I think Dryfus was using a 38 on jaws and that sucker held 9 drums. I'd bet with the extra penetration from the vunder 9 one could get a dozen drums to hold secure (at least).


New member
Be sure to verify point of impact and reliability in your firearm with those harpoon rounds. I have used them in a G19 with great effect on great whites and mako sharks, but have not had an encounter with the latest beach thugs.

281 Quad Cam

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My grandfather once told me that he used a 9mm to stop the moon from spinning, thats why we only see the one side of it now.


New member
I just found a guy who custom loads 9mm harpoon round

darn it, you beat me to the harpoon joke.

however, i hear if you shout in japanese or sing in norwegian, that blue whales are repelled by that.


New member
I have seen many fat tourists that I thought were beached whales from a distance. Tried to roll one back into the water. This is not considered PC by the "gravitationally challenged".


New member
Is that why Rosie O'Donut desn't go to the beach, Greenpeace keeps trying to get her to un-beach?

With a blue whale, you have to aim for a very small target that will instantly incapacity him, and cause him to turn fin and run - get him in the i-pod.:eek:


Here Mike call me Ill set ya up with one of these :)

WildallthingstoallpeopleAlaska ™


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Mal H


Yes, I know why Mike started this and I have to clinch my teeth when I read the "X caliber for Y animal" threads. But, I'd be willing to bet big bucks that he also knew this would be closed in short order.
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