9mm Revolvers


New member

It is a S&W 940. It was dropped by S&W a few years ago and now they command a high price on the used market. Lately there has been a lot of discussion on the 940 on the S&W forum. Wish they would make it in a lightweight version - a 942!


New member
I had a couple of the 940's when they first came out. They had problems that I'm not sure they ever got worked out. My first one took a dump within a couple of hundred rounds and had to be disassembled to get the remaining live ammo out to send it back. S&W sent me a new one (with the same serial number as the first, lettering was different) and it did the same thing in about the same round count. I told them I didnt want it back in 9mm, so they replaced it with a .38. I dont know if the 9mm was to hot for it or what. I did like the full moon clips though, made for a quick reload.


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I have a Taurus model 905 in stainless (w/ concealed hammer) in 9mm revovler.
I use it as a carry gun mostly in the winter. The only down side is using the stellar clips if you want to carry extra rounds with you.
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I'd like one

a stainless Bodyguard (I don't know if they ever made one) in 9mm..but I'll just make do with my 649-2 in .38 special


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There are two S&W 547s in the photo. Both are 4" barrelled models, one blue and one in what appears to be a hard chrome finish. To my knowledge all 547s were blued, so this must have been refinished later. When I purchased the chromed revolver it had a set of Bianchi grips that shrouded the hammer. Upon removing the grips I discovered that someone crudely ground the grips straps to change it to a round butt configuration. I smooted it up with a lot of draw filing and hand polishing and painted that portion or the straps in a matching colour. Only the 3" barrelled models came with a round grip.

On the S&W forum there has been a lot of interest in the 547 and in getting it re-introduced in blue and stainless versions. I hope S&W reads and heeds the forum.


New member
I wasn't sure about the chromed one - and I thought it was nickel because some K-frames were offered in nickel back before stainless became so popular. Hard chrome it is.

Unfortunately prices on used 547's are so high on the auction boards. I want one (or a few), but they want too much.

Hell, S&W still has the tooling for K-frames, they still have the Model 10 in the catalog. I'd get one (or two if the prices aren't ridiculous) if they made it, lock or not. A 4" and a 3" would be nice.


New member
Even a moonclip version would be welcome by me. That spring system in the cylinder for the 547 is pretty labor intensive, so I could understand if they went this route instead.


New member
The 940 uses moon clips, however I like the 547 extractor better. I prefer to drop the rounds into the cylinder then eject them rather than loading them into clips then removing the fired cases from the clips. This is a personal preference having little to do with functioning of the revolver. Sometimes I use HKS speed loaders. If it comes down to it, I would take an S&W 9mm K frame revolver using moon clips. How about a 3" and 4" barrel in either blue or stainless steel?


New member
That's what I was thinking of, because a 6" barrel makes no sense for the intended use.
I thought the 940 was no longer made?