9mm question


New member
Alright, I know that I've posted several requests regarding which 9mm to buy. I have boiled down my decision to 2 handguns: the glock 17 and the cz-75b. I'd love to get them both, but my financial situation will only allow one. I primarily want to use this gun as a range gun and idpa. So I want it to be able to take much shooting abuse and practice, I want it to last ( because my better half may not let me have to many guns :( ). Thanks for the help.


New member
Either one. Never tried a CZ, but its fans have almost as much religious zeal about them as Glockers have about theirs except that Glocks are regarded at one extreme or the other with very few people being neutral. Not that they're unreasonable fanatics, but there seems to be more in the neutral camp about CZs proportionately.

On the CZ's side, you can get about any setup you want whereas with the Glock, you get the Glock setup.

If you change your mind later, you shouldn't take much of a bath on either one.

FWIW and IMO, a Glock should never be stored with a round chambered unless it's in a holster.


I'll try to keep this short. I don't shoot IDPA myself. My understanding is that few people in IDPA use Glocks, due to their triggers. CZs and Tanfoglio clones (esp. the Witness) are much more popular. Someone more familiar with IDPA can probably tell us why. (For example, Glocks may be in a different category or something).

The CZ costs less money up front, and you can get three hi-caps for the price of one Glock 17 rounder.

The ergonomics of the guns couldn't be more different. You will shoot one dramtically better than the other, I suspect. I would get what I really wanted or shot better, and ignore the other factors. In terms of reliability, durability, etc. they are about equal. Some people will probably freak out about that last statement, but let's face it. If no Glock and no CZ have ever failed in my experience/to my personal knowledge, then I have to conclude that they are functionally equal, despite what the Glock catalog might say!

juliet charley

New member
Money a little tight & you want to afford to shoot? No brainer. You can buy the CZ and 2000 rounds of ammunition for about what you'd pay for the Glock alone.


New member
One of the reasons I was leaning towards both of these weapons is because they are both widely used in IDPA. I am comfortable shooting both because they both accomodate my big hands well. I've shot them both, and liked them both, that's what is making this a tough decision. Although most seem to think that the CZ will be the more accurate of the 2 and have better ergonomics and the glock will last longer (especially due to the availability of aftermarket parts and glock armorers that abound). Man, I don't know what to do. I LIKE THEM BOTH!!! :confused:


Try the CZ-85 Combat. It has a better trigger than the 75 for just a few bucks more. No mag brake so the mags drop free. Also has adjustable sights and no FP blocking safety. Definitely worth the extra money.


New member
I own two Glocks and value their many virtues. However, CZ versus Glock is a "no brainer" for me: Get the CZ!

Christopher II

New member
Glocks are far more popular in IDPA than CZ-75s, at least in my experience. At my local club there are maybe 3 or 4 CZ shooters, myself included. Half the damn club shoots Austrian tupperware! :D

I like the CZ better. Others like the Glock better. They really are very different, so you might have to try both before you decide. But all things being equal, my CZ feels better, has a better trigger, is cheaper, and the magazines are cheaper. The Glocks are easier to get leather and accessories for.

- Chris


New member
I carry I Glock 17. I can't find any 9mm pistol that beats my Glock 17. Get the Glock. Or better yet get another (second) Sig 226 chambered in 40 cal. No sell the Sig 226 & buy 2 Glock 17s.


New member
Durability = toss-up

GLOCK vs. CZ75 = get whichever you want. . .

I'd take the CZ in a heartbeat, but that's me.



New member
Glocks are more popular because more people have heard of them, Glock spends more money on advertising, they are seen all the time on TV & in movies. LE also tends to issue these.

This is the only reason you'll see more at IDPA meets.

They suffer just as much from FTF/FTE and bad reloads as any other pistol used, especially when people start modifying the trigger group.

You will probably shoot better right off with the CZ than the G17. You will definitely save enough money to get plenty of ammo.

Walt Sherrill

New member
I shoot IDPA, and am slowly working my way toward expert. (Just missed it by a few seconds last time.)

I started using a Glock 17, and its a great gun. You could do worse.

The CZ-75B, however, fit ME better. I've since upgraded to the CZ-85 Combat. (And also have CZ-40B, which I don't like as much, and an older CZ-75 [not a "B"] which is very nice.)

What other folks say about this is kind of irrelevant; you need to shoot them both and make your own decision. I find the Glock trigger something you can get used to. I find the CZ a much more natural "pointer" and just as reliable.

Try them both and then decide. If you can't try them both, you could do worse than to buy either. And you don't need to buy new: reconditioned Glocks are available with factory warranties. And High-Caps are a lot cheaper for the CZs...

juliet charley

New member
Durability is a non-issue. I wouldn't be willing bet either one would outlast the other (put if push came to shove, my money would be on the CZ).


New member
want to use this gun as a range gun and idpa.

Glock. Hate to say it. The consistant trigger pull is an advantange. In order to compete in the same class as a glock with a CZ - you must start with the hammer down, safety on.

Wanna shoot single action from the get go - you compete against the 1911's and others who have chosen the same - hammer up, safety on.

For IDPA - I say Glock or 1911. I like 1911s.


New member
I have no real experience shooting Glocks ... though I see many of them at IDPA shoots and know several shooters who swear by them. I have recently aquired the CZ-75B and right out of the box I shoot this gun better than any other. I've been a SIG shooter for the last couple of years and I thought the P229 fit my hand better than anything out there ... until I held the 75B. I now feel that after reliability, the way a gun fits your hand and naturally points may be the next most important thing.

If you can only buy one ... try to shoot them both side-by-side and determine which one fits your hand the best and naturally points on target. And as someone said above, if you get the CZ, you may be above to also afford a couple of thousand rounds of ammo to really get yourself in the groove!


New member
I also see more people with glocks

at idpa matches. The statistician in me tells me it's because of the numbers....... But I do think that you'll do better faster with a Glock than with a CZ.

Here's why. They'll both be in the same class. (grossly SSP = SA/DA and DAO and SA, other classes are SA only and 1911 and revolvers) I think that the consistent trigger pull of the glock makes it a more likely to shoot idpa better,quicker. You'd have to learn to master the dual trigger pull of the DA/SA with the CZ.

I think that Glocks are harder to shoot accurately than an SA, so the CZ might be a bit better suited for bullseye styled shooting. But IDPA is a combination of speed and "combat" accuracy.

You can learn to shoot the DA/SA well in IDPA. Many do. It just means that it might take more time or practice than the Glock. You can learn to shoot the Glock accurately, it too takes trigger time to do so.

Bottom line, all other things being equal (I still can't believe that one doesn't feel much better to you than the other, they are quite different) if you wanted to progress quickly in idpa the glock is the route. If you want to shoot accurately more quickly the CZ is the way. If you aren't in a hurry, either will get you what you want.

All of this is IMIO, in my ignorant opinion :D


New member
I own 2 Glocks in 9mm, a 26 and a 34. I also have a CZ85B in 9mm. For IDPA I have settled on the Glocks. You can shoot them both in Stock Service Pistol and Enhanced Service Pistol. The same goes for the CZ85B, however, in SSP you have to start out with the hammer down. In ESP you have the hammer cocked with the safety on. I have found both to work fine. The Glocks are the same for each class, the CZ's require a bit of adjusting on your part. The Glocks are simpler to operate, no safeties or decockers(not sure if newer CZ's have them). Both are reliable as a rock and very accurate. :) :)


New member
Both are good weapons. I shoot the G17. Why? Because I am a relatively new semi-auto shooter, and my first was the G17, and as such, I teethed on the Glock trigger, which many long term DA/SA and SA shooters (particularly M1911 guys) had some trouble getting used to. The Glock also fits my hand (the generation 3 frames) better than the CZ.

I shoot the **** out of my G17 with nary a blip. It's very reliable, extremely durable, and combat accurate.

But as all choices, as long as you are buying something reputable, and it fits and points well for you, you will probably be happy.


New member
"In order to compete in the same class as a glock with a CZ - you must start with the hammer down, safety on."

I thought I would point out that the CZ won't do this. If the hammer's down, the safety won't activate.

And for what it's worth, I actually shoot a COMPACT CZ better than I shoot a FULL-SIZED Glock, but that's just me.

Eric Larsen

New member
Interesting...so far the votes are:
Both would be great = 7
CZ 75/85 = 8
Glock = 2

IMO, quality, durability, dependability, accuracy....both are great.
Did I just say that? :rolleyes: As far as a general all around gun for home def, range and IDPA..Id go with the CZ. More options for you for when you want them...trigger da/sa...cocked and locked, hammer down etc. With only one gun, I think the versatility is a plus. And the ammo you can buy with the money you saved is ALOT! :D

Vote CZ 75/85 = 9 total

I also HIGHLY agree about the Glock being stored with an empty chamber....in UT a couple of months ago, a 4 year old who was mad at his preshool buddies...got his LEO dads Glock and shot at the kids...no one was hurt...thank god. I have to wonder if it was another gun ..could he have done it? Triggers are a relative thing....ya know?

Shoot well