9MM Major?


New member
I just learned about this 9MM Major round idea which seems a little funky.. Isnt 357 Magnum basically the same thing? Has anyone shot this round and what is your perception of your experience?


New member
9mm Major is a competition round. USPSA/IPSC has an arbitrary power floor that can be just reached safely with a hot-loaded 9mm. To keep pressures down, the round is often loaded so long that it won't even fit in a standard 9mm mag, and must be fired in a long action like a 1911. If you are using a big gun anyway, might as well get the performance boost of the 9x23, which can be loaded much hotter than 9mm Major; the latter is powerful enough while still using cheap/plentiful 9mm Luger brass.

Don P

New member
Or what most race gunners use 38 super:eek: I would hate to think of a 9 mm round loaded to make major:eek:


New member
9mm major? Can you say duplex load?

9mm major....147 gr screaming at 1,250 fps, no sweat. But not too common. Old timers tell me that was the orginal German loads were. Euro 9x19 comes in a machine gun version.

I know whom the IPSC competitor was who used a H&K Pistol with his own hand loads to the above pressure. After the match, IPSC made the rule change about 9mm Major. Something about brass cases fragmentation and safety of others. Not sure. Note: Above mentioned loads were typical / standard 9x19 Overall lengths.

The Euro shooters who use machinegun 9x19 in their pistols alter them with heavier springs and firing pin. They must be careful not to use what we would refer to has 9mm because our ammo will not be powerfull enough to cycle the gun.

Remember if you read it here its the gospel according to the Gods of 9 mil Smoke & Flash.


New member
9mm major? Can you say duplex load?

9mm major....147 gr screaming at 1,250 fps, no sweat. But not too common. Old timers tell me that was the orginal German loads were. Euro 9x19 comes in a machine gun version.

I know whom the IPSC competitor was who used a H&K Pistol with his own hand loads to the above pressure. After the match, IPSC made the rule change about 9mm Major. Something about brass cases fragmentation and safety of others. Not sure. Note: Above mentioned loads were typical / standard 9x19 Overall lengths.

The Euro shooters who use machinegun 9x19 in their pistols alter them with heavier springs and firing pin. They must be careful not to use what we would refer to has 9mm because our ammo will not be powerfull enough to cycle the gun.

Remember if you read it here its the gospel according to the Gods of 9 mil Smoke & Flash.


New member
My local racegun builder hasn't built an Open gun in anything but 9mm for a few years. .38 Super is slipping back into obscurity.

Don P

New member
38 Super is slipping back into obscurity.
Maybe where you are, not here. Our ranges grand master and gun smith shoots and is still building race guns for customers in 38 super.
The guy to beat at our range's weekly competitions shoots a Colt 1911 in .38 Super. I wouldn't say it's slipping back into obscurity. If anything, i believe it's gaining in popularity as more people find out about it.


Why risk things with a wildcat cartridge?

In 9mm in my G17, I get 1400 FPS with my Fed 115gr JHP+p+ rounds. ;)