9mm confusion, HELP ;-)

Eric Larsen

New member
Lets say Im in the market for a medium sized 9mm for a home defense/night stand/range/plinking gun. Medium sized meaning
a "Compact" size of a fullsize....no CZ75's, HP, Beretta's etc.

Here are my thoughts so far. Please feel free to send me into another direction. I want to keep it within a certain price range.
Hi Caps would be nice but not necessary. Nights would be a great option as a night stand gun. Quality should be good but doesnt have to be an H&K....ok?

Astra A 100 with 17 rnd clip(s) NIB or LNIB
Astra 75/RAP 401 NIB could carry also.
Taurus PT911
S&W 6906/6946 w/12 rndrs

I really dont want to dish out more than 350-400$ thus ruling out
a nice 226/229.....

This is the style and size I would like to stick with...trad. D/A trigger also.

What are your thoughts? Shoot well

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's Eric, My Friend-

From your "approved" list I would only choose the Smith
& Wesson model 6906. The CZ is probably and "O.K." gun,
but I have 0 experience with it.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

J. Parker

New member
Had a S&W Model 6906 for awhile and it was an excellent little pistol. Hi-caps were only $30 bucks or so and at 26ozs it was lightweight and handy to carry around.
During my research I read good things about the 6906 but read some negative comments on the 6946. I believe the 6906 was alot more popular. After the Clinton ten round bill passed in '94 S&W dropped the 6900 series and went to the 3900 series.
Although I don't have experience with compact CZ's I've read that they are very, very nice pistols. I'd certainly consider one.
Never had an Astra but I don't think the company is around anymore. If it breaks you're hurtin'.
Held a PT911 once but the grip was to short for me and the end of the grip had some sharp edges that dug into the palm of my hand so I passed on it. Best, John

Eric Larsen

New member
Thanks for the replies. Ive got a line on a WAY CLEAN 6906 with nights for 310$ presently. I also know Astras are great guns and will more than likely never break, but you have a good point.
I can get a NIB Nickel A 100 w/ Hi Cap for around 330$.
I have found the PCR CZ for 350-375$...Ive got experience with the CZ and Smitty...both are nice guns.
Im narrowing it down ...thanks.
Shoot well

J. Parker

New member
My WAY CLEAN 6906 without night-sites was $350 so that sounds like a good price. If it were me:D I'd go with the 6906 or the CZ. See ya, John


New member

The only gun on your approved list that I have experience with is the 6946. It is a nice weapon with good ergonomics. The DAO trigger is a little heavy for my tastes, but otherwise a fine choice.

If you do not mind me adding my two cents, have you considered the IMI Baby Eagle? They offer a semi-compact and a compact version of the pistol, with the compact available in steel or polymer. I have the full size in 9mm, and it has been 100% reliable since break in. It is remarkably accurate and, IMO one of the best pistols around for ergonomics. It wins more fans with each trip to the range. Plus it can be had for your required $350 - $400, and hi-caps are still available from CDNN. I think it is one of the great bargains in semi-autos. Just a thought.

Good luck,

Tropical Z

New member
I have two RAP-440's and can tell you with absolute honesty that there is no better gun on the market PERIOD.They are pretty much the same as the Astra's.If you want to read a good review on them go to the address below and go to the archives (i think).


New member
a home defense/night stand/range/plinking gun.
You must realize that for a home defense/night stand gun, the weapon must absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt fire. Only one type of firearm can do that for you...
Nope, I'm not referring to the almighty Glock... :p
Get a good revolver. :D

Well, you did say to send you in the other direction, didn't you? ;) :D


New member
Out of the guns you mentioned I'd probably go with the CZ 75 PCR (or the newer P01). I have two CZs now and I also know your love of CZs so I know you'd be happy with it. Hard to beat CZ quality at any price. This or the CZ 100 will probably be my next purchase.

Next choice would be the Taurus PT911. I eventually want to get one. I haven't fired one but from handling it I would say that it seems to be a very nice gun. The size, weight and feel seem to be just about perfect. I love the 3 position safety (decocker DA for the DA shot, safety for condition one, and safety while decocked), no more versatile design out there. From all the owners I've heard from they almost uniformly like or even love this gun. I've heard from very few actual owners of the metal framed Taurus autos who weren't happy with the gun.

With your needs and wants have you also considered the CZ 100, a used SIG 239, or a nice revolver (a 2 1/2" or 3" k-frame may be the perfect size for what you describe, a .357 shooting .38+Ps would be similar in capability to a 9mm)? Sounds like they may fit the bill pretty well too.


New member
The CZ PCR, no contest. See if you can get your hands on each of these guns before deciding. When I picked up a PCR, it felt like it had been made from a mold of my hand, it fit PERFECTLY.


New member
For an inexpensive, but utterly reliable compact 9 mm I recommend the Ruger 95. Except for its width it is about the same size as a Glock 19 which is my first choice if price is not a consideration.

Eric Larsen

New member
More great points made..thanks to all. I am a lover of things CZ.
My compact gave me fits but finally worked the bugs out...loved it.
But it parted ways from me a while back. The PCR's Ive played with I have loved. The only drawback to the CZ is nights and Hi Caps. Nights are non existant for them unless you want PT's and Hi Caps are the HOLY GRAIL of CZ goodies. Easily killing you for 75$ a shot, when you can FIND them.
The RAP is an Astra 75 in sheeps clothing. Ive handled them but never shot one. They are impressive in quality, construction, feel, size and everything else...but for an 8rnd gun they are a brick.
Also support/service is questionable for the gun. I dont know who repairs them when under warranty.
The Smith is a top choice..I had a 3953 that was as good as they get. The only thing I didnt like about it was limited mag capacity and the trigger was harder than it should have been.
The 6906 has all of the positives of the 39** guns and have better triggers and capacity. 12 rnd mags are available everywhere for cheap.
The Taurus Ive thought about alot, as my PT940 is in the top guns I have had. The PT911 is the same great gun my 40 was and I agree the safety/decocker is the best on the market. Period.
Ive thought about a BABY EAGLE, Witness and other guns...all have alot of great qualities. I just want to keep my choices with guns Im pretty familiar with and are on the lighter side of the spectrum.
PS. I have an SP101 and mdl 60 with 125gr JHP's for Wheels.
I love them both.
Shoot well


New member
After shooting somewhere around 10,000+ rounds through a couple of 6906 pistols, I'm beginning to suspect they're reliable ...

Then again, I've fired more rounds than that through a couple 5903 pistols, so I'm beginning to feel fairly sure they're reliable ...


New member
Whats an astra?Get yourself a Glock19 and then if you want hicaps you can get them.Dont trust your life to any S&W auto!!! :barf:


New member
There are night sights available from CZ-USA, $83 from them but they can be had cheaper elsewhere.

For home defense, you could use full-size CZ 15-rounders, or EAA 16-rounders, they'd just stick out a bit. For carry, 10 rds isn't too bad of a compromise from 13.

The Baby Eagle is a great gun too, I love mine. I've been toying with the idea of getting one of the compact frame-safety versions and converting it to single action...


New member
If you can find them, take a look at the Star Firestar and/or Firestar Plus. The Firestar is all steel, singlestack w/8+1 of 9mm and the Firestar Plus is an alloy frame, doublestack w/13+1 of 9mm. Both are single action and both are approximately the size of a Glock26/27. The Plus is fatter in the grip than the Firestar.

Unfortunately, Star Echeverria went out of business. While they were still around, they were, argueably, the best of the Spanish manufacturers. Stars are still available NIB many places, however. Very high quality and very reasonably priced, they are worth checking out.

Eric Larsen

New member
Fbolt I agree, with the history I had with my 3953 I found it as fool proof as they come. Most who slam S&W autos either havent had the pleasure of a third generation or had a first run sigma...:eek: sorry couldnt resist.
Glocks are great guns. Just not what I want. I have a DOA 40 for a CCW along with other guns. I want an alloy framed trad. d/a pull gun. Just fits the mold of what Im looking for this time around.
By the way...Astra is a very nice gun. Checked out the Nickel A-100 today...17 rnd clip NIB...just scepticle of repair issues...or it would be home in my safe, as I type.
CZ USA offers nights for the 75/85/97 series guns. The Compact and 83 take a different sight all togethor...and the PCR has the only Novak copies offered by the Czech company...I wanted to stick with that kind of sight. I dont know if the PCR takes the "standard" 75 night sight .......curious. I wonder how much it would be to throw some Low Mount/Trijicons on one.?????
Eagles are the tanks of the CZ Clones. Well built and a great gun. I have shot a few...my fav is the 40. I shot a Hi Cap 9mm a while ago...nice also but was picky about its ammo moreso that other guns.
Star guns are good from what I hear...havent shot any. But played with a few. Strange actually, either very heavy or very light. Same model of gun I think. Kinda the same situation as Astra...great but who supports the warranties? Just in case.

Thanks for the input and Ill let you all know how it turns out....
Shoot well