9MM AND .38 Super Interchange


New member
I saw a nice SA Model 1911 in 9mm at my dealers yesterday. As I looked at it, I wondered if it would be difficult to transform this into a .38 Super. Obviously a new barrel and magazine, but would anything else have to be changed out to make this transformation?

John Lawson

New member
It might just work. If it will not handle supers, the proper barrel will allow it to handle 9X23 and Largo as well as supercomp cases. That's CASES, loaded to the correct overall with short bullets. Factory largo is loaded too long overall to function. But, this would be a handloading proposition anyway.
Sometimes the semi-rim supers will work and eject properly, but you will have to try them with a super barrel on your pistol to find out. It works fine on my Colt series 80.

Old Fuff

New member
It will probably work, but you may have to have a second extractor fitted to the gun. The .38 Super is semi-rimed where the 9mm x19 is rimless. It is also possible the breechface may have to be opened a bit, but I doubt it. The 9mm. has an extended ejector, but I don't think it will be a problem. You may want to have an experienced pistolsmith do the conversion rather then simply drop in some parts.

john kilgore

New member
1911 9mm and .38 Super use same extractor and ejector.
See Brownell's #54, pg. 80
10 examples.

Magazines are different. 9mm has a spacer welded to rear of magazine to move 9mm cart. foward. If spacer is removed the 9mm mag's will work with .38 Super. Use same follower, body.

Changes is barrels usually involves having gunsmith fit the new barrel- feet, lugs, extension, bushing, ect.
Many of the .38 Super 1911 Clones come with ramped barrels (my S-A .38 Super has ramped barrel from factory- Nowlin form), so new barrel would have to be same format as original.


New member
Sounds like this may be a little bit of a project, but not too bad. Will have to consider it.

Thanks for all of the replies!


New member
It's still hanging on my dealer's wall, calling my name. But first, I have to pay off the Lew Horton 3" S&W Model 24 in the safe.

Brian D.

New member
FPrice, I've done this:

Bought a 1991 colt in 9mm, got a .38 Super bbl and mags for it. The ejector as issued was a little too long to easily eject loaded Super rounds when clearing the piece. So I shortened the ejector just enough to let the Supers get out. Never did need to do any extractor or breechface work, gun seems fine. The 38 super barrel I bought even seems to chamber 9x23, so I put in a heavier recoil spring and a shock buff, gave it a go with a few rounds. No apparent problems noted, but I think this barrel's a bit weird in that regard, 9x23s don't seem to drop in other Super barrels like they do mine. Just some info, hope it helps.


New member
I know it can be done; I have one!

Mine is a "parts gun" - essex frame, Colt 9mm slide, .38 super barrel & bushing. Don't know how much other tinkering or parts interchange there was but can find out if anyone wants. My father built it. Shoots like a dream.
