9MM/147/RN?? Part 2


New member
After much soul searching & brain picking decided to start with 3.0 grains of Promo. Loaded 10 rounds & added .1 grain to each 10 till I came to 3.5 grains, 60 rounds total. Slugged the barrel @ .356, sized the bullets to .357, lubed with Carnauba Red. Made up a dummy round & found the correct OAL for the little pistol @ 1.127". Loaded everything on a Dillon 550 with HMF primers. I'll try to fire these tomorrow.

Pistol, CZ75

The press, 550 Dillon

Bullet, Saeco 928

Primer HMF

Powder, Promo

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New member
Promo can be used anywhere Red Dot is used. Simply load weight for weight, not bulk for bulk. Purchased 32 pounds a few years back when it was 70 some per 8 lb. Use it in 38, 45 Colt & 45 ACP.

John C

New member
How well does Promo meter through your Dillon measure? What sort of powder variation are you getting?




New member
Since I'm working up a load John I weighed each of the 60 charges thrown. Most & I mean most were dead on. The very few that varied were a little less than .05 or 1/2 of 1/10th of a grain. Hope that's what .05 is. My scales aren't digital but the old beam type. Half the distance of the two marks.



LAH, was 1.127" is longest possible OACL? That's what I get with my P-01 using the Rem. 124 gr. JHP so I shorten them to 1.122"/28.5mm to allow .005" of freebore. If the Max. possible OACL with your cast bullet was 1.132", then 1.127" is what I'd use also. Great to see an older CZ 75, BTW. ;)


New member
I just seated the bullet long in the case & took the bell from the mouth. It was too long so back in the seating die which I just turned down a bit at a time till the dummy would fully chamber. Assembled the CZ & with the dummy in the magazine racked the slide, then ejected & looked the bullet over. No rifling marks. That is far as I went. Not sure how much longer I could go but but probably not much. I will check this again before loading a batch.


New member
Back from the range. 60 rounds fired. Didn't figure the 3 grain load would function the slide but it did. At 3.4 grains the little pistol was sounding & running great. 3.5 grains shot just fine, the primers looked ok. I think for now with this bullet I'll load 3.3 grains till I'm more comfortable with loading the NINE.


New member
Great to hear that it worked out. Sticking with the 3.3g and having a good, reliable round is a good strategy.

I don't want to sound alarmist. But I feel compelled to re-mention that you have a powder that is kind of spikey to begin with, and you're loading it under a heavy bullet in a case with little volume. So the load combination has all the elements for wanting to pressure spike with little warning.


New member
Fired 120 rounds a couple days ago. Still no problems. I'm warming up to this little pistol but need to do something about the sights.