986 at 500+ rounds: lose sight assembly

Darker Loaf

New member
If it is going to happen to somebody, it seems that it will happen to me. After 500 rounds of 9mm through my new 986, the rear sight assembly shook loose. And unfortunately, it was when Venom1956 and I took it out to the 100 yard range. We couldn't figure out why the gun was hitting so inconsistently, then when we took it back to 25 yards, we noticed the screws on the rear sight assembly were almost completely backed out. Fortunately, I didn't lose a screw. Time for some blue locktite.


New member
That's happened to almost all of my revolvers at one time or the other till they were tightened correctly or loc-tited. Same with side plate screws, cylinder release screws and extractor rod. Nature of the beast and means you are shooting the gun. One just checks them every so often and goes on. Kinda like keepin' your eye on oil levels and tire pressure in your car.

Darker Loaf

New member
I agree: it comes with the territory. Maybe I just shoot my guns more than other people I am directly acquainted with as shooter OR maybe most people don't report their stuff coming loose/off as often as I do, but it seems to happen to me more than most people I know.

I've taken to pre-emptively locktiting things as a reflex, including non-gun items.