98 Takedown Action ???


New member
Got this from a pm and really have been enjoying it, thanks fish! But i've got a question here, its a slide show so you can not stop it and study the pictures. These rifles are on the most part take down rifles, there are 2 pictures of the Mauser action and it looks as if they have added a new recoil lug and maybe a new nose peice to the actions. The barrel is still fully threaded and well, i 'm trying to figure out how or what they are doing to change the action. If you can tell what is going on i'd like to know myself. Might make a fun future project, if i could only understand what is going on or how! :eek: http://www.vovapen.com/envo.htm Click menu twice...click gunbuilding...click on creating the gun ... slide show will start, play around a little, some extra nice stuff here!


New member
It's a Husqvarna variation on the Mauser action, not a traditional m98. Doesn't even have a claw extractor.

There are two methods I've heard about to make a takedown rifle on an m98 action, but I didn't pay too much attention since I don't have an interest in building a takedown rifle. Both "methods" are just distinct ways of dealing with the sloppiness between the action and barrel as a result of use.



New member
Jimro: Did not know the Husqvarna was that much diffrent, i'll have an excuse to look it up now. I dont have a need for a take down myself, just the thought of building one intriged me! Got to admit they are nice , very nice looking rifles.


New member
Husqvarna mauser actions

some of the FN mauser actions used on the Browning safari grade in the mid to late 70s did not have a mauser claw extractor,,I was under the impression that santa barbara ,,husqvarna ,fn where based on the mil. mauser ,,at least on receiver and bolt


New member
They are just giving them away. Shoot'em an e-mail and I'm sure they'd be happy to mail ya one. If they mail ya two keep me in find, 'cause I need a truck gun. :p

I was under the impression they were sporterized (that doesn't seem a fitting term) m-96's. But I'm far (very far indeed) from an expert and yield to those who say it's a Husky.

Those Saudi folk seem to enjoy 'em. I thought they were partial to birds and throwing rocks at their game. Shows how much I know.


New member
Those Saudi folk seem to enjoy 'em. I thought they were partial to birds and throwing rocks at their game. Shows how much I know.

But then came $$$$$$$ (OIL PRICES) and there rocks got fancy and expensive! Tell the little one Happy Birthday! Didn't i read somewhere he just turned one. My grandaughter turned one June 1st! :)


New member
Can you fix your link? It doesn't work...

I think their server is down FF.

Tell the little one Happy Birthday!

Will do, as soon as I get home. Old work threw me a bone, and I drove to Gulfport, MS today for a day of work tomorrow (I'll make more in mileage than I will working). I also think I found work back in Dallas. I'll find out latter in the week.:)