.95Cal Bolt rifle?


New member
I was just looking through SSK's website and read this:

Our biggest bolt gun fires a 3600 grain 95 caliber bullet from a highly modified 20 mm vulcan case. We also work on Strikers and other bolt action pistols and rifles

Anti-Aircraft Rifle?

James K

Member In Memoriam
A bit of a balloon puncture. Any rifle over .50 is an NFA firearm. Not impossible to buy, of course, but a bit of paperwork and an OK from your jurisdiction's CLEO. I won't even mention the tax; to anyone who can afford that gun, $200 is pocket change.



New member
um, are you sure? I thought it was only "military" cartridges over .50 caliber, like 14.5mm and 20mm. I thought that non military cartridges were still okay, you know, like big elephant guns, like .600 and .700 Nitro Express.


New member
A 3600gr bullet?
Are you trying to give me nightmares or something? :eek:

Must have been created by a devious chiropractor wanting to boost business.


New member
Sounds like one serious charge stopper to me. Put me down for one with express sights. I never know when I'll be charged by a rabid squirrel


New member
With a 3600 grain bullet, you probably don't need the gun. You can just throw the bullet at whatever you want to kill.


New member
Here's a pic of the 950 JDJ round:


It's the one to the left of the .50 BMG round (the tallest one).:eek:
Are you suggesting that you have to have a need in order to own a gun? Now there's a thought..... Glad I never use that logic. I'd be much richer but not happier.

Of course if you think that this is big there is a company out on the web somewhere that makes a mortar that fires 8 inch steel balls. Gun one one ton. That would REALLY be fun!


New member
hmm.... That's one of those guns where your probably safer on the receiving end right?

"Oh GOD MY ARM!!!"
"Missed me"

::counting down till some demoncrat tries to ban it::
