90+ yrs old and still looking good.


New member
NO, not me, the guns;



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New member
I like the Colt; the others are interesting and appear very well-maintained, but the Savage looks awkwardly balanced and the Remington looks bulky for a .380.

If you shoot them, how do they shoot?
Nice collection. I picked up a Colt 1903 made in 1911 not too long ago. It shoots great for a 100 yr old pistol. Also, a local shop has a Savage for sale that I have been eyeing.


New member
Great group of old guns. I have a Colt 1908 Hammerless, .380, and a Remington Model 51, .380 from the second year of production. Almost like new with the papers but no box. I am still looking for the right Savage. My preference is for either the 1905 or 07 but not the 1917 like yours. I don't care for the grip shape but I do love the overall look of the Savage.

Again, nice pistols.


New member
wow, i was getting worried....
anyway, grump name 'em all.
near as i can tell, these three were the only AMERICAN made .380's in the early 1900's.
remember, browning was made in belgium at the time.
high standard had a .380 around 1940, their first and only centerfire.
also, remember, in 1920, the .380 was "the most powerful handgun made" (colt advertisement)
the savage is fugly, but it actually points very naturally and has less perceived recoil than the colt.
and it has 10 rounds in the dual stack mag!!
oh, and the machining on all three puts current production guns to shame.:)


New member
the remington was a lucky find, and not cheap!:eek:
most out there have been pretty beat up and not well cared for.
i had almost given up finding a 95% gun.
then this popped up, with original box! couldn't pass it up.
Those are beautiful :) thank you so much for sharing. I personally appreciate it and I'm sure everyone else does too.

I think Johnny Depp had one of those in his role as "John Dillinger" in the movie Public Enemies


New member
I think Johnny Depp had one of those in his role as "John Dillinger" in the movie Public Enemies

yep, good eye! 1903 hammerless. pretty popular gun in its day.
so was this one, 1908 vest pocket;



New member
My LGS has a 1903 Hammerless for sale.

On the one hand, I was tempted.

On the other hand, I don't really have any use for a .32 in general, and especially not one as big as that.

(I don't collect safe queens; everything I own gets shot on a regular basis.)


New member
That Remington 51 is a neat gun. The weirdo "momentum lock" is super cool. How does it feel in your hand? They were famous for pointability.

What's the middle one?
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