9 year old shot in abdomen with .45.

Greg Bell

New member
9-year-old Ga. boy accidentally shot by mother
The Associated Press

CONYERS, GA. --A 9-year-old boy was accidentally shot in the stomach by his mother while she was trying to load a gun.
Johnny Andrews was shot early Saturday while his mother's boyfriend was showing her how to us a .45-caliber handgun when two shots went off, one hitting the boy in the abdomen, the Rockdale County Sheriff's Office said.

It appears the woman Carey Fitts, 30, was pulling the slide back to load the weapon while her finger was on the trigger, Sheriff's Cpl. Tom Brewer said.

"The trigger pull on those guns is real dainty," Brewer said. "It doesn't take much to pull the trigger. It looks like she pulled the slide back, and we surmise she had her finger on trigger, and when she wrapped the round, it popped off. You can shoot a round really quick on those guns."

Brewer said two other children, ages 4 and 10 months, were in the apartment at the time.

The boy was brought to the hospital where he was listed in critical condition.

Fitts has been charged with reckless conduct.


[Please read ALL the way through this thread before responding. Later in the thread you will find an important bit of information related to a development in this story. This bit of information will likely render your comment meaningless if you post without finding it. In general, it's always a good idea to read a thread before responding, this thread is a perfect example of why that is true. JohnKSa]
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New member

That's a good one mind if I borrow it?

So what was the Chief trying to imply that although the woman acted in an unsafe manner that the pistol was somehow partialy to blame.

Let it Bleed

New member
"The trigger pull on those guns is real dainty," Brewer said.
Isn't that special. :rolleyes:

In a just world, it would have been the boyfriend who got shot! He is the most culpable based on the facts as presented.


TWO shots???

Wow. There's negligence, and then there's *negligence*. Poor kid. Sure hope he comes out alright. I'll bet she learned her lesson at least. Sounds like said .45 was likely a 1911 style, but not necessarily.


New member
Sounds like said .45 was likely a 1911 style, but not necessarily.

It could have been most autoloader. If she'd had her finger on the trigger when she racked the slide, she could have clinched her fist (along with the trigger finger) and fired the first round. Whether with a short reset (as with a S&W 3rd Gen or 1911) or a longer one like a Sig, the fright reaction to the first discharge could have resulted in the second.


New member
Now, there is an example of folks that have no business with a gun. Guess he just handed it to her and she said, "Hey yall watch dis".


New member
Feel bad for the kid. I always flinch when I see these stories as one can see were the anti-gun folks will go with them.

Recent story around us was that a kid and his cousin were playing with a handgun that one of the (I think 15yr old) brother had aquired illegally. Initial story was home invasion then truth came out. 2 kids unsupervised were playing with the illegaly obtained handgun when it went off. Killed the 7-8year old with a stomach wound.:(

Unfortunatly with all the local air time there is seldom blame for the illegally obtained gun and all the other laws broken but plenty of blame for guns and law abiding firearms owners.
So what was the Chief trying to imply that although the woman acted in an unsafe manner that the pistol was somehow partialy to blame
I took it more to imply that auto-loader pistols are dangerous when in the hands of people that do not know how to handle them. Which is completely correct.


New member
Some people are just too stupid to help. It's like those folks who go below the speed limit in the left hand lane. Somewhere they took a drivers' test that told them to move to the right, but they don't give a ****.

Did she point the gun in a safe direction? No.

Did she keep her finger off the trigger? No.

Did she know how to operate the handgun while loading it? No.

I feel sorry for the kid.


New member
"and we surmise she had her finger on the trigger"
That's some awesome police work there, Chief!:eek:

The boyfriend should be charged with reckless endangerment, at the very least. If he stood there and watched that woman rack a live round while she had her finger on the go button, he is the true dumb@**. Took both of them to do something that stupid.:mad:


New member
PBP said

auto-loader pistols are dangerous when in the hands of people that do not know how to handle them. Which is completely correct.

Doesnt that statment apply to all firearms in general ?

Or do you mean to imply that semiautos are somehow more dangerous than other types ?
Doesnt that statment apply to all firearms in general ?

Or do you mean to imply that semiautos are somehow more dangerous than other types ?
Of course all firearms are potentially dangerous but there is no denying that an auto-loader is more complex and requires a bit more knowledge to operate safely.

I was very familiar with revolvers when I first picked up an auto-loader and it still made me a bit nervous at first.


New member
I think what he meant to say was, if this were a musket with a percussion cap, in humid weather, the kid would be fine
Did she point the gun in a safe direction? No.

Did she keep her finger off the trigger? No.

Did she know how to operate the handgun while loading it? No.

And did the gun discharge just once? No.

Holy crap, two shots and only one hit the kid. Poor kid and lucky kid.


New member
I recently taught my girlfriend how to load, aim, fire my 1911. The first thing I did before I put it in her hands was eject the mag, rack the slide, visably check for a round, rack, check again, rack once more. Lock slide, stick your pinkie in and give it a poke (the gun not the girl).

The boyfriend should be charged for handing her a weapon with live rounds...in the home...with kids around.


The boyfriend should be charged for handing her a weapon with live rounds...in the home...with kids around.
I disagree.

If a person gives a mother some bleach and she sprays it in the eyes of her child, would the person who gave her the bleach be at fault?

If you loaned your nail-gun to your neighbor and he shot himself in the hand, would you be at fault?

She's an adult and nobody forced her to accept the pistol.