8x56r Rifle or Carbine?


New member
I could buy either in excellent shape for around $100. Just to add to my shootable military collection. On the fence as to which to buy.

TX Hunter

New member
Are you talking about the 8x57 8mm Mauser?
If you are, get one, its an excellent cartridge, Just note, the American Brand Cartridges are loaded to low velocity, but the foreighn stuff, is loaded hot, and very inexpensive. I have a 24 47 Mauser, and its awesome.
I recomend them.


New member
I have an M95 carbine. It's really light but the recoil is pretty stout. 8X56R ammo isn't very plentiful, either.


New member
I also have a Steyr M95 and cannot find ammo for it anywhere. As for the question to buy the rifle or carbine is all personal preference. I have the carbine.


New member
8x56r is now available from Hornady. there is still surplus stuff available on GB too! Graf and sons and Aim has it too!


New member
I have the impression the rifles are harder to come by. If it was me, I'd get the rifle, and come back for the carbine later.

Old Time Hunter

New member
First off, the rifles were generally 8X50R not the M31 ammo that is 8X56R used in the Stutzens(shortened rifles), Carbines, or Stutzen-Carbines. If your receiver/rear barrel has an "S" stamped on it, that generally indicates the 8 X 56R.


Since I reload, I have no problem with finding ammo.


New member
So far...

The carbine is an "k" serial number with the "S" on the barrel. Wood is VG+/Exc, bluing is great. Bore is lightly frosted, but well defined lands grooves.
The Rifle is an "I" serial, also with "S" on barrel. Wood is fantastic, however there is an abundance of cosmoline in the bore, barely a penhole of light makes it through.

Again I'm interested in "shootable" & a lesser degree of historical.:)


New member
I would get the rifle as it would offer less recoil and are harder to come by. Dealers still stock the carbines. I have only seen one rifle ever!
