870 wear ?


New member
I have a 870 made in 1991 with around 2 - 3 thousand rounds through it and the action bar on the LH side (ejection side) is looking worn where the little groove is cut in it. I think the groove is for the shell stop but I am not to sure. The wear is mostly just the blueing but there also looks like they might be a small (very small) chip worn into the sharpened groove.

What is the purpose of this sharpened cutout?

Is wear normal there?

Should I buy a new action bar tube assembly?

Or is this something that is common and nothing to worry about since it still functions normal?


guy sajer

New member
Hard to tell without a visual inspection . You could might consider having a thorough inspection by a gunsmith .

As you're experiencing no malfunctions , I would keep shooting it .


New member
I am not exactly sure of what you mean by "chips".. You might be looking at the "cams" that operate the bolt/mag release. The wearing of the bluing on the rods and the magazine is pretty normal. I have never seen any pump gun that didn't exhibit some wear of the bluing on these places.


New member
I think the sharpened cutouts on the action (slide) bars are what you are talking about? Wear is perfectly normal there, and while bluing may wear, there should not be much wear on the metal parts. With 2-3K rounds through an 870, you are still just breaking it in.