870 Trouble


New member
Not sure if this should be posted here or the Smithy section, but here goes:

Wifes Rem 870 has been getting tougher and tougher to slide the foregrip. Pulled the foregrip apart, noticed a lot of wear marks on the metal. Turned it around and it slides on the tube easily. Took the bolt breech out and the trigger assembly, it was still just as tough as ever.

Upon very careful inspection after taking the wood off the forend tube assembly I noticed that the metal was cracking on the inside. Not sure how to describe it, but the rail on the one side was certainly twisted a little and bent. When I went to move it I saw the crack. Is this common?

I am ordering a new piece from Brownells to replace it. Didn't see anything else wrong with the gun.
You didn't state if the model 870 is a Wingmaster or an Express. Either way, Remington would be getting a call letting them know that the model 870 is on it's way to them to be fixed FREE OF CHARGE or they can send you the part to fix it. Never spend your $$$ on something that shouldn't have happened in the first place. I could see paying for it if the model 870 was abused and this happened but for it to do this on it's own, Remington would lick that calf before I'd pay for it. Hold them to it, they will fix it free of charge or send you the parts free to fix it after you tell them how your going to tell all your friends on all the different gun websites your a member of about what happened to the shotgun and how Remington can be the good guy an fix it free or sent you the parts to fix it for free, or be the bad guy and charge you for the parts to fix it and take all the bad publicity that will go along with it.


I think I know what you are talking about. The forend tube assembly essentially consists of a metal tube that is threaded at the front and at the rear the right and left action bars are found. You found a crack in the inner wall of the tube and the crack is apparently causing one of the action bars to push back at an angle instead of straight back. I would at least contact Remington about the problem, even if it is a gun beyond the warranty period. It is possible that Remington will fix the problem if the serial number indicates there was a problem with the forend tube assembly on that lot.

I know a problem with the 870 has to do with shells jambing in the chamber and having to use a great deal of force to eject them, often having to slam the butt on the ground. I have to wonder if that could be the cause of the problem.
The model 870 with the sticking hulls being hard to eject can be fixed by putting some steel wool around a brass cleaning brush for a rifle and screwing it onto the cleaning rod, then chuck the cleaning rod end into a drill, add some 3 in 1 oil, Rem oil, or kroil to the steel wool and run the steel wool back and forth in the chamber several times (20 to 30 times) to polish it. Those model 870 Express shotguns are the worst for doing that. Their chambers will rust when a model 870 Wingmaster's wont. I can't count how many model 870 Express shotguns I've had brought to me for that very problem and I fixed them all with the way I described. They worked like a charm after that. They will continue to work right if the shotgun owner will give the chamber area a good cleaning each time the shotgun gets shot. The model 870 Wingmasters don't seem to have this problem. It's a simple fix though.


Yes. That can fix the issue unless the chamber is so tight it needs to be reamed out. Regardless, I am only suggesting what may have caused the cracking of the forend action assembly.


New member
I have a 1954 model 870 wingmaster from my dad, probably a million shells threw it, and wasn't used for 20 years until I got it last year! It wasn't ever cleaned since he stored it till I got it! I talked to Remington about another issue with the solid limiter plug that is fastend to the magizine with a set screw! I removed the plug and allowed the spring to rest agenst the cap, but there isn't enough spring pressure to feed the last 2 shells. I replaced the spring with a modern 870 spring and the 5th shell wont fit in the mag! Ugg! I guess I will need to hit the deer with one of the 4 shells instead! I ghost load a 5th shell on the elivator, some times and its fine!


New member
TheKlawMan, you are correct, that is where the crack occured.

I have never slammed the buttstock on the ground to eject shells, but I did not buy this gun new either. It did work fine about the first 1000 shells we put through it though, so I don't think it was "mistreated" prior to me buying it.

I do not know exactly what model this gun is, I will look at it later and call Remmington about it. It appears the parts are available for it, but if Remmington will give me a free assembly I would much prefer that! On Brownells site it goes for $30ish, so what could it actually cost Remmington to make.

I won't send it to them to repair, I will do it myself. I don't need it to get "lost" in transit or sit in their repair center un-touched for weeks or months, I know things can happen.

I have another 870 which is a much newer model and I took the action assembly out of that one and it slid right into my old gun perfectly, but it is a little different where the slide sits on it. I would have to use the slide that matches that action assembly, the bolt breech may be the same. At least I know the rest of my gun is fine.

Sorry if I have the terminology incorrect, I am new to guns. I understand how they work, just have to learn what the different parts are called!


New member
You are correct about the 5th shell! I don't know what I was thinking. I guess becouse my wifes Huglu 601GA holds 8 shells I was just thinking it took 5 and 1. Thanks for the slap! I'm awake now!

Lee Lapin

New member

Give Remington a call at 1-800-243-9700 during business hours in NC and see if they can help you out.

I ghost load a 5th shell on the elivator, some times and its fine!

In an 870? How do you do that?