80 rds of 7.62x39= new AK?


New member
I helped my grandpa run errands and was compenated(unnecessarily)with some ammo. Among some old shotgun shells and a few boxes of .30 carbine were some 80ish rounds of surplus 7.62 x 39. I don't have anything chambered in that.

I'm an AR15 guy and have always avoided joining the AK club, but this seems like it might be a sign.

Should I bite the bullet and start shopping for an AK47 or should I just give the ammo away?


New member
You might be a rifle looney if.........

....you start buying rifles based on ammo you have on hand!

I'd say 80 rds of non corrosive steel case x39mm is worth about $25-30. If you want to jump into a $500-600 rifle (? speculative) for that, have at it, its your money. Don't mean that negatively either, its just up to you. The AK has wider acceptance these days in the shooting fraternity, seems to me anyhow.

I think the AK is an interesting platform, and the x39mm even more so.

I once had a chance to buy about 500 rds of .22 Hornet ammo, dirt cheap, and didn't, as I didn't have a rifle so chambered. At the time, I just couldn't rationalize the plunge for ammo and a rifle, even a "cheap" one.

Regretted it ever since.


New member
If you are an AR15 guy, why not a 7.62x39 AR upper? I picked up a Radical Arms 7.62x39 upper for $199 (plus $89 for an Aimsurplus BCG) and love it!


I already have an SKS but an AK pistol has been calling my name but $25 worth or corrosive ammo......naw to easy to give it to someone that might need it.


New member
Agreed, the CZ carbine might be a fun purchase!

Although I do love AK's as well soooo...I support any decision you that involves buying a new firearm.


If it really is "surplus 7.62x39", the ammo is essentially worthless. True "surplus" is almost certainly corrosive and very likely unreliable due to several factors. My cousin found some "surplus" 7.62x39 ammo his Dad had kept from sometime in the early 80's when he went on an SKS kick. I checked the ammo and found the powder was deteriorated and some was a solid chunk. Worthless and unsafe IMHO.


You're a nut if you think all surplus 7.62x39 is "worthless".

Yes, it may be corrosive. That is solved with some Windex and the chrome-lined bore of a proper AK. Some of this ammo is quite good, like the Yugo brass cased stuff.

I would say get one. They are an awesome piece of firearms history, and FUN to shoot. Great as a defensive rifle too. Accurate and powerful enough for deer hunting out to 100 yards or so. Target rifles they are not, and the ergonomics might not be the best, but they are just cool rifles that pack some serious attitude. :cool:


New member
If I was given an amount of 7.62x39mm that got me thinking about buying a rifle to use it in, it wouldn't be an AK.

I'd be looking at some of the bolt actions out there.
...But that's just me.


New member
80 rds of of x39 is worth approximately $20-25. While I'm never against the acquisition of a new AK (SKS, PTR 32, CZ 527, AR upper, etc.), I would do it based on the value of acquiring that new rifle rather than having a $500+ firearm to fire $25 of ammo.


New member
Should I bite the bullet and start shopping for an AK47 or should I just give the ammo away?


Any time you have the equation X rounds of 7.62x39 = new AK? No matter the value of X the answer is yes, always yes.


New member
Ha ha. I knew the enablers would come out!! I've already been pricing more ammo and checked out the cz website. That 527 is nice.

Maybe it would be easier to sneak an AK pistol into the safe. Might stop by the LGS after work just for shots and grins.


New member
I would look at the options avaliable and fit what ever works for your budget. I have a X39 upper for my AR and love it, as said the ASC mags are great, I built it for hunting (I reload for it), the balistics are close to a 30-30. I also have a few AK's and they are a rugged platform, dont sell them short. I built a X39 AR pistol, havent shot it yet but it looks fun. The days of the $79 SKS are gone but it is still a nice rifle if you can find one cheap. I havent shot any of the CZ rifles but they also look nice but will stll be shooting the surplus ammo you have so accuracy may be iffy. Worst case is you buy a new toy, shoot the free ammo and learn about a new round and then sell it off if you dont like it next time the anti's start talking about a ban and make a little extra money. Sounds like a win-win to me. Good luck with your quest.


"Yes, it may be corrosive. That is solved with some Windex and the chrome-lined bore of a proper AK. Some of this ammo is quite good, like the Yugo brass cased stuff."

And you KNOW this is the case with this specific 80 rounds of ammo??
By the time you break down 10% to be safe, you've got 72 rounds which is hardly enough to make the cleaning regimen worthwhile.
There's as good a chance that it's Chinese junk that spent 20 years in a cave or under a tarp in the desert.

Willie D

New member
I know it's not that big of a deal to shoot corrosive ammo but it's just enough of a pain in the butt with a gas operated rifle I won't bother with it anymore.


New member
Some of it is in norinco boxes marked "non corrosive". Some of it is on stripper clips. No matter what I decide to do I will not "break 10% down " .