700 SPS convert to DM


New member
Well, to try a more radical approach...

I have two 700s. One has the BDL style magazine/floorplate and the other is a DM. Honestly, I don't see much benefit ***in real life*** for the detachable magazine. On paper, yeah, the arguments are commanding. In the field? More to go wrong than to go right. YMMV, of course.

I should add that the DM rifle has never mis-fed or otherwise mis-behaved except when I failed to latch the magazine properly.


New member
detachable mags on a hunting gun are a waste IMHO. If you spend the ammo in a top feed and don't have him down then you missed and he's gone. Seems that the mag is just one more thing I might loose. Better to spend that money on a back up scope on QD rings


New member
Be advised...

Accuracy may be compromised by detachable box magazines. Remington has been notorious for having exceptionally long chamber throats, that are longer than the maximum bullet seating length in the fixed box magazine 700 series. The detachable box magazine version may limit cartridge overall length even more if not done properly. My 700 PSS is one example of a gun having a throat longer than the box magazine's cartridge length capacity, I've switched over to Berger LTB (Length-Tolerant Bullets) for my handloads in that rifle if I still want to use the box mag. :(


New member
IMHO, the internal, hinged-floorplate magazine is the way to go. But what do I know, only been hunting/shooting/gunsmithing for 45 years.
