7 Shot .357s


New member

Off the top of my head if you want a medium-large frame 7 shooter there is the S&W 686 and Taurus (I forget the model number). If you want a large frame 8 shooter there is the S&W PC 627 in various versions and the Taurus 608.



New member
I believe the Taurus Tracker model number is 627. I love mine BTW.

And the S&W 686 is a six shot. The S&W 686+ is a 7. If you're looking online always look for the "+".


New member
As far as 7 shot 357's go.........

I own three of them. Two 686+ (snubby and a four inch), and a 627 Taurus Tracker in stainless. All have performed exceedingly well. Even took a deer with the Taurus last year. Good choices all. Good shooting:)


New member
I have both a 686+ and a 586 6 shot, the 586 is alot smoother but the 686+ are good guns also.The 8 round taurus is a big gun,to big if you ask me


New member
S&W's Performance Center puts out a 7-shot L frame Model 681 (like the 686, only with fixed sites). You get this magna-ported for reduced muzzle flip, and it comes with moon clips for quicker tactical reloads. It comes in either 3 or 4 inch barrel. A little pricey (being from their PC), but it shoots and handles well.


New member
S&W, makes another 7 round .357Mag
The 386PD, and 386 Mountain Lite. Both guns are made out of Aluminum-Scandium mix, frame and a Titanium cylinder. I own the 386PD and think it is a great gun! ;)

Country Boy

New member
As was stated, the Taurus 66 is a 7-shot .357. I have a 4" barrel one that is quite accurate, and my wife loves to shoot it with .38's.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Only one comment. I don't think the "lockwork" is as
good with seven shot revolver's? I could be wrong,
but that is my general feeling! This is why I shoot
a six shot, Smith & Wesson 686-5 with a 6" barrel.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
I've been shooting a Taurus 7-shot 12 inch barrelled 357 Silhouette. Works beautifully. No recoil. Very accurate. Not very expensive. Looks a little odd but... I love it!


New member

I own both the S&W 386PD, and S&W 360Sc. With the 360Sc the recoil with .357Mag is somewhat painfiul. But with the 386PD, recoil with .357Mag is only at most a little uncomfortable.
I love my Scandium/Titanium guns, and I plan on buying the S&W 340PD.


New member
TAURUS 617s are cute 2-inch,7-shot snubbies and can be
had both in steel and in titanium.
They are .357 Magnum revos.