7.92x33 AR Pistol is ALIVE!


New member
For several months now myself and a friend has been sourcing parts and putting together, we believe to be the only 7.92x33 AR pistol in existence. Well a few days ago the barrel work was finished by my friend so today we put it all together and got to testing. Well IT WORKS.

Factory PPU 124fmj ammo cycled and locked bolt on empty mag. It was anemic at 2180fps. Tested 3 powders today CFE BLK, A1680, and Lil Gun. Load data is very hard or in most cases impossible to find, so some smart educated guesses were made and with help of Quickload we got off and running.

The barrel is 12 3/4 inches and all testing was done with New Primed PPU brass and Hornady 125gr HP.

The following data may or may not be published data USE AT OWN RISK.

28.3 CFE BLK 2304fps
22.5 Lil Gun 2417
28.5 A1680 2485

CFE BLK cycled, fed, and locked open.

Lil Gun had weak ejection, did feed another round, and failed to lock open.

A1680 cycled, fed 4 o'clock ejection but failed to lock open. A1680 is the winner so far but will take some gas port tweaks to get it to lock open.


New member
Yes same round as STG44 and I am not using STG mags either. The mags are common mags that have been extensively modified to reliably feed and function. My friend came up with the mag design and I've been sworn to secrecy how it's been done.