

New member
I have a Remington 799 on the the way and need to know which powder gives the best combination of high accuracy, high velocity, and low pressures. Right now I'm looking at RE-7 and IMR-4198. Bullet will be a 123 grain Speer Hot-Cor.The rifle will be used for javellina in west Texas and NM. Thanks.
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New member
I use both those powder in my SKS rifles with excellent results I give the heads up to Reloader #7. AA-1680 is also a good powder you should take a look at.
Speer's own data lists only their #2213, 123 grain cannelured soft point spitzer for 7.62×39. I assume that's the one you mean? They use a CCI 200 primer and an IMI case and seat the bullet to 2.150" COL for their load book data.

Speer's book says IMR 4198, a good accuracy powder in other rounds I've used it in, has a starting load of 24 grains and a maximum of 26 grains. Reloader 7 is 25 grains to start and 27 grains maximum.


New member
You are correct. It is 123 gr. I have the old #13 manual and it says 125 gr. I'll pick up some RE-7 while I'm out today. if it dosen't work well with 7.62x39, maybe my 223 will like it with light bullets.


New member
I have tried just about every powder and bullet combo you can think of in the 7.62x39.

If velocity is your goal, IMR 4198 would be my last choice. H-4198 on the other hand produces some impressive velocities and good accuracy in my Ruger.

AA 1680 was designed for the 7.62x39 and it is a very popular choice. I've found it fairly accurate and velocities are very good. Speer lists 28gr as Max, I suggest you work up to that with extreme caution. Most other manuals list around 25-26gr as Max, I find them more realistic.

R-7 works well, but I just never got the accuracy I was looking for , YMMV, It is a good place to start and you get the added bonus of that special R-7 smell.

For both accuracy and velocity I've found none better than H-322 and N-130 with H-4198 coming in a close 3rd place.


New member
7.62x39 load

I use a 123HPBT Lapua. I bought 4000 of these 10yr ago at an auction they're great. I use 22.6gr of IMR-4227. I also use W-W brass and Rem. Primers.


New member
I worked up one complete load with RE-7, and another with H-322. I should be able to test it in about 2 weeks. I'll report the results.


New member
Troubling results

I got play with the 799 a little bit this week end. I was more concerned with my 300 WM. I only shot the RL-7 load. I stopped at 25.5 grains when I started seeing primer set back. According to my Speer manual I should be able to go to 27.0 grains. I was using Fiocchi brass and Wolf large rifle primers.


New member

I run H4198 and the discontinued 135 gr Sierra ssp bullet in my Ruger 77-II and Mini-30 w/ no complaints. In my rifles, H4198 gave slightly better accuracy than RE-7.

This has been a great whitetail combo, too bad the slug is no longer made.


New member
I run H4198 and the discontinued 135 gr Sierra ssp bullet in my Ruger 77-II and Mini-30 w/ no complaints. In my rifles, H4198 gave slightly better accuracy than RE-7.

This has been a great whitetail combo, too bad the slug is no longer made

To bad is right. These bullets are probably the best hunting bullet ever made for the x39. I called Sierra a few years ago and asked if they had any plans to produce them again. I was told, "no not really, unless we get several requests asking for it". I've only got about 700 left.
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Red Eagle,

QuickLOAD also shows you should be able to go higher. I am suspicious of the quality of the Fiocci brass after a number of folks pointed out its irregular flash hole centering, but don't know from personal experience. Primers can back out because pressure is way low or because the primer pocket is widening and getting loose, which is a sign the pressure is too high for that particular brass. It may not be the case with another (pun intended).

Out of curiosity, I ran a powder table in QuickLOAD, and a compressed load of Reloader 10X came out near the top. Ramshot X-terminator was not far behind.

The table also put IMR4198 about 60 fps ahead of H4198 at the same pressures. My past experience was that the two could exchange burning rate order depending on the lots, with them sometimes being very close and sometimes one being distinctly faster. A recent purchase of IMR4198 was the first time I'd had to get any more of either for a decade, so my information may be dated with respect to current lots. The IMR4198 I've shot has always been a top accuracy powder, but is too quick and bulky for maximum velocities with anything.


New member
I just gave the rifle a careful once over. Looks like I missed a lot of cosmoline. That's one possibility for the high pressure signs. Not sure how likely it is.


After some contacts with powder manufacturers, I went with AA1680. I wanted to use RS Exterminator, but was told it is a little slow for that application. Since these loads are for an AR 15, their advice was the AA1680. It loads well and meters consistantly.


New member
too bad

Since were talking powders, I'll list my load for x39 and the belated Sierra 135 SSP:

23g H4198
Win cases mostly
sierra 135 SSP
anybody's LR primer, Win mostly

Its not been through a chronograph, but has been through several deer, including a 188 pound giant (for around here) . Bamaboy and I have experienced more, "on the spot" DRT kills w/ this little load than my any of my "real" deer rifles, including .270, .308 and .44 mag.

I don't have 700, but enough to last for most of the boy and I's gun hunts .
Didn't realize it was discontinued until well after the fact.

I'll call Sierra regularly if you will!!!!!!!!!!!!!