7.62x39 Rifles....


New member

I know a lot of you have experience with the 7.62x39. I have an SKS, and I love the rifle. I have killed a number of deer with it. I am curious about the other rifles out there in this caliber. I know the Mini 30 is a good rifle.

What about the Ruger M77 MkII. I have a Ruger in 7mm, and I love it. Is the 7.62x39 Ruger in .308 or .312?

What about the CZ? Does anyone have any experience with it? It looks like a great rifle?

What about factory ammo? I have used Wolf, and Federal. Both have worked well on deer at ranges under 150 yards. I am sure they will work farther, but I haven't had the opportunity with my SKS, nor would I take the shot with open sights.

Thanks in advance for all of your input....

Joel Slate
Slate & Associates, LLC
The Safari Specialists


New member
Welcome to TFL!

The Rugers have traditionally had .308 bores unless they have changed them.

I've used a CZ bolt gun in a larger caliber. It is quite true to the original Mauser 98 action and everything I could have asked for at a reasonable price.

I liked your safari site! :)

Mark O

New member
I had great hopes for the CZ rifle in 7.62x39 but have only heard from one person who has one.He tells me its a POS.OTOH I know a guy that has one in.223 and he loves it.


New member
Hey, I've never seen the Mini-30, but I didn't want to feel left out.

That thing is a POS!
Shoot me, g'head! I dare ya!



New member
I don't know about the Mini 30's but the Mini 14's are pretty darn crappy. We had them for duty carbines and they sucked. 5 inch groups at 50 yards were the norm for prone supported positions. That's pretty sad.

As for long range shots I wouldn't consider it over a 150 to 200 meter gun. If a 30/30 can't do it, I wouldn't expect a 7.62 to do it even if it does have spitzer ammo going for it.

Good SHooting


New member
The mini-30 uses a .308 bore. The SKS and the AK have a .310 or a .311 bore so surplus ammo is a little tight in the Rugers bore. It was designed this way so American .308 bullets could be used in reloading the cartridge. If you are happy with the SKS then stick with it. It is more accurate and reliable. The Kalishnicov is a great rifle as well. Especially if you are looking for a gun that will easily take high capacity mags. As far as the Rugers being a pos, while they are not as acurate as the SKS and AK, they are better than most people give them credit for. I had a mini-30 and a mini-14 and always hit what I aimed at. The biggest problem is not the gun but the jerk behind the trigger.No offence intended, folks.:D


New member
How about the saiga? They are starting to import them again. CDNN has them listed in the latest SGN for $179.


New member
The Saiga is a sporterized Kalishnicov,so it would probably be a good hunting rifle. I have no experience with them and to be honest I forgot all about these guns. From what I have heard, they seem to be accurate rifles.:D


New member
Here's an interesting choice — a Norinco Hunter — uses an AK receiver, takes double-stack magazines.


(Image courtesy srv656s)


New member
I guess I'm the lone voice in favor of the Mini-30. I wonder what it is that makes people hate it so much. It's a cheap semi-auto, that accepts full-cap magazines. It has what is arguably the best gas operation system ever built (that of the Garand). The only problems I've ever had with mine were due to bad mags. Expect it to shoot as well as or better than an AK. Don't expect it to shoot as well as an AR-15. It eats russian mil-surp without a problem as far as I can tell, and using it, mine shoots minute of red delicious at 100 yards.

The Mini-30 is a trunk rifle. It's designed to be a fast, easy handling carbine for medium game at medium range. Essentially, it's just an M1 Carbine with a bit more punch. As long as you keep that in mind, it does what it's designed to do pretty well. Is it the best? Heck no! Is it the devil spawn of some horrfic Lorcin Chauchat cross-breeding experiment? Not hardly. A less capable gun than an SKS? Yeah, right.

Sorry for venting like that folks, but I guess it just seems like mini-14/30 hating is the thing to do sometimes, and it gets amplified beyond what the facts justify.


New member
CZ 527

I have a CZ 527 Carbine in 7.62x39. I like it. It's short, has a good action and has decent accuracy. I especially like the set trigger option. It's a great 100yd gun/caliber for medium sized game and paper.
Had a 7.62 X 39 AR15 a while back--traded the upper and mags i had accumulated for an FAL and put a 223 on the lower--i don't miss it........Dick