7.62x39 question

chris in va

New member
Can anyone tell me what the holdover would be shooting my CZ carbine at a 330 yard target on a hill about 50' up? It's steel, I'd like to hear a THWAP just once. I don't have it scoped, just using iron sights that are pretty well centered for 100 yards.

On a side note, I was pleasantly surprised to find my Mosin M38 was hitting man-sized objects at the same distance, especially considering how far the front sight was off when I got it.

Shooting with irons on a rifle is quite a challenge...and fun!


New member
330 yds uphill? I'm wild-guessing just based on the typical adjustment on my AK when I'm shooting 300+ and how far the slide sight would change the point of aim on it, but I'd say about 3' or just a little less hold-over should put you in the ballpark.