7.62 NATO/.308 compatability


New member
Can 7.62 NATO rounds be safely used in a .308 Winchester chamber? Can the .308 Win round be used in a 7.62 NATO chamber?


Bart B.

New member
jehu, what's the difference between FMJ bullets and PMJ bullets? Both have jackets the rifling engraves. I don't know of any barrels' rifling that's smart enough to tell the difference. ;) And some of the finest, most accurate match bullets ever made were all FMJ ones from Lapua and Norma. In fact, all match bullets were FMJ's until the 1950's.

Sorry, PMJ bullets are partial metal jacketed ones. Hollow and soft point ones, for example.
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New member
Usually they are interchangeable: some related links.
The very first link repeats the myth that 7.62x51 is 50,000PSI It's 50,000

CUP not PSI Quit mixing up units please. Tried of seeing that misinformation repeated over and over again..

Very true. Sadly if the wrong info is posted in a thread it stays there for ever and ever.

The difference between 7.62 and .308 is a slight difference in max headspace and the 7.62 brass is thicker and has less volume. It's insignificant.


New member
lol One is seven point six two millimeters and the other is three hundred and eight thousandths of an inch.


New member
Bart, I'm sure you are rite but when I think of FMJ I think of all the different countries that make it and are imported into the US and the possibilities of variations in production and specs. Some FMJ is or was laqure coated, Wolf was I think,and as a rule for me I'm not going to shoot it thru my fine bolt hunting gun. If you like it shoot it.

Bart B.

New member
I've never heard of any coatings on military bullets from any country. Some cases were coated but that proved to be a problem. Wolf no longer manufactures ammunition with a lacquer coating on the cartridge case due to issues concerning lacquer-coated steel cartridges becoming stuck in the chamber of a firearm after firing, with difficulty in ejecting the spent cartridge afterwards.


New member
OK, you may be rite but the jackets on FMJ are harder than copper jackets on premium hunting ammo which common sense tells me would wear more on my barrel and rifling but that being said why would anyone site in their fine bolt action hunting rifle with FMJ when in most states it's illegal to hunt with and unethical to shoot game with. Now yes it's their rifle and they can do what they want with it but to me it does'nt make any sense and I would recomend not doing it. Also your first two sentences in your above post are conflicting but lets say no country does coatings anymore but bubba from down the street has some old Wolf coated with lacquer and sells it to the original poster and he gums up his fine bolt action hunting rifle, I was just trying to give the best advise as I see it.
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Bart B.

New member
jehu, I don't think my first two sentences in my post are conflicting. The first one's about bullets; the second about cases. The third sentence covers bubba's old Wolf cases coated with lacquer sold to the original poster and he gums up his fine bolt action hunting rifle. Wolf only coated cases, not bullets.

Less than 2% of barrel wear is caused by bullet jackets; they're much softer than barrel steel. The other 98%'s caused by hot buring gasses at high pressure and improper cleaning; virtualy all in the first inch or two of the rifling. If that weren't true, then bore and groove diameters starting a few inches down the bore would not remain virtually the same for thousands of rounds. Some folks have set back .308 Win. barrels 2" twice from starting out at 28 inches long and no accuracy degradation's been observed after 5000 to 7000 rounds per length..
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New member
Thankyou for the information Bart. Is Military 7.62x51 FMJ loaded to higher pressure than civilian 308 hunting rds as I've heard 5.56 is compared to 223rem?

Bart B.

New member
MIL SPEC 7.62 NATO ammo for USA manufacture is 50,000 CUP (60,200 PSI) max average peak pressure.

SAAMI specs for commercial USA .308 Win. ammo is 52,000 CUP (62,000 PSI) max average peak pressure.


New member
Is Military 7.62x51 FMJ loaded to higher pressure than civilian 308 hunting rds as I've heard 5.56 is compared to 223rem.

A insignificant difference.


: not significant: as
a : lacking meaning or import
b : not worth considering : unimportant
c : lacking weight, position, or influence : contemptible
d : small in size, quantity, or number

I've heard 5.56 is compared to 223rem

Again, insignificant. There is a difference in leade, but it's...insignificant.

Harry Bonar

New member
308 and 7.62X51

The loading manuals make no distinction between the two, but the nato round pressure is supposed to be 50,000 C.U.P. and the 308 is around 52,000 C.U.P. and, furthermore the headspacu guage for the nato is slightly more allowable than the 308.
Great deals have been made about this but there is no difference for all intents and purposes.