686+ Vs 627


New member
I would like to thank everybody for giving me the pros and cons of the 686+.

I just wanted to add a new one to the mix. I am very enamored with the 627, didn't even know it existed until I started looking for large capacity .357s. Ahyway, what do you guys have to say good or bad about the 627 price not being a factor as it it quite a bit more than the 686.

I like the 8 rounds of .357 and the ability to use either moon clips or not right from the factory. I am looking at one without the fluted cylinder and with the Vcomp. It is a 3 inch I believe.

So what is the general consensus. I did a search and found a little bit of info but not too much on the 627.

Thanks again



New member
I have both

The 627 is easier for me to shoot because of the added weight and size.

The 686 and 681 are easier to conceal because of the decreased weight and size.

If the moonclips are a big part of your choice, the PC 681 (and others) come with moonclips.

If you want a gun to just go out plinking, the N-frame 627 is more pleasant with full power magnums.

If you want to conceal, the 686 or 681 might be a better choice.

Try to handle each, maybe your hand will fit one better than the other.


New member
Thanks for the reply

This is by no means a CCW for me. Can anybody actually conceal an N frame? I digress.

Anyway I really want it for a couple of reasons. High capacity .357 revolver seems like a great HD weapon. Currently it is my SIG 220 which has been wonderful.

The biggest reason is the cool factor. It is just about the coolest revo. I have ever seen. Chalk one up for all gun nuts are really kids at heart.

So HD and Range plinking are my main considerations. I have a tiny little Model 60LS for a CCW and in the winter months any of my Semi Autos are carriable.

So any other advice out there. Has anybody had an inherently bad experience besides triggers. Trigger pull is very subjective and generally doesn't bother me unless it is extremely bad. I mean I can notice the difference between my SIG 220 and my Walther P99 but even though the Walther is no where near as nice as the SIG trigger it really isn't that big of a deal and I still shoot it extremely well.

Thanks again
