686 Question/Problem?


New member
I've got a 686-6, serial #CJT65XX. After shooting it today, and cleaning it, I noticed something that may be a flaw or mechanical problem. I'd appreciate any help from someone more knowledgeable than myself. Without knowing the proper names of the parts in question, I'll try to make myself understood.

Recessed into the under-lug below the barrel is the area which houses what I believe is called the center pin (the pin which pushes the extractor to eject shells from the cylinder). In the forward part of this recess is a spring-loaded pin which appears meant to snap into the recessed end on the center pin. Only mine doesn't. The pin seems to be too short to extend into the center pin when closing the cylinder, and doesn't even touch the center pin upon closing the cylinder.

The little pin moves freely under spring tension, but doesn't snap back far enough to engage the end of the center pin.

Do I have a problem? I'd appreciate a shout back from anyone familiar with my situation. jd

James K

Member In Memoriam
The whole idea is that the ejector rod is held at both ends. If the locking bolt (which is what S&W calls that little pin) is coming back all the way, there is something wrong. With the cylinder open, it should stick out at the front just a little, maybe .004" or so. If it sticks out much more than that, it might be stuck. Try tapping it with a plastic mallet (screwdriver handle will do) and see what happens.

Did you buy the gun new? It is possible that someone replaced that locking bolt with one intended for a short barrel gun, but that is a bit far-fetched.



New member
With the cylinder open (or closed) the "locking bolt" protrudes from the under-lug about 1/8". That is from the curved front of the recess in the under-lug.

If the locking bolt was longer - perhaps 1/16" - it would engage the recessed end of the cylinder pin providing for some frontal lock-up.

I did purchase the gun new, from a local dealer, about two years ago. It is a real shooter. (I punched out a 1 1/4" group a few days ago - 25 yds). I feel kinda silly that I haven't noticed this before now.:eek:

We've got a very reputable pistol-smith here in town. I think I'd better let him take a look and see what he suggests. I do appreciate the feed-back from you guys. jd


New member
Contact S&W. They will send you a prepaid mailer for your gun to return it to the factory for repair. Their warrantee is iron-clad, but sending it to the local smith will void it.



New member
S&W 686

I'd follow that recommendation and go to Smith they have a lifetime warrantee and it's great. Dan
I saw this issue on one revolver a friend had bought. A little WD-40 and a slight tap with a rubber tuning hammer fixed it right up. There was just a piece of crud inside of it. I would rule that out before sending it back. :)

James K

Member In Memoriam
If the locking bolt is sticking out the front 1/8" it is stuck. I recommend using the penetrant and a rubber or plastic hammer before going to the trouble of returning it to S&W or taking it to a gunsmith.



New member
Jim, to be sure we aren't misunderstanding each other, is the locking bolt the spring loaded pin which is housed in the under-lug?

If it is, it will have to extend further in order to engage the recess in the center pin.

There is a hole in the under-lug just forward of the pin's housing. I have squirted Rem-Oil and air in it and the pin moves freely, under spring tension, but will protrude no more than 1/8".

It almost seems that the center pin is not long enough to engage the pin rather than vice-versa. jd