686-1 Cylinder Diameter Question


New member
I have a 686-1 I bought several years ago. It has been to see Ron Power and had his Power Custom Combat work done on it, then off I believe to Clark to have a Full Moon Clip Modification done on it thru Ranch Products.
I have been told that the 686-0, 686-1 and 686-2 all have a smaller cylinder diameter than the later model 686 Models. The original Moon Clips I got years ago were to big in diameter.
I just ordered some moon clips from TK that were for the older model, and they did not work either, same diameter as my old ones from years ago. NOTE: e-mail off to TK last night on this, probably the wrong clips in the bag.
I got out the old Micrometer and did some measuring and the inside cylinder measurment across the chambers was 0.613 on my 686-1. The TK Clips measured 0.650.
Anyone have any information on this, and what the measurments are on a newer 686 (6-shot) are?



New member
I can check my 686-4 later this evening. By the "inside cylinder measurment across the chambers" do you mean the distance between adjoining chambers, or across the cylinder, i.e. from #1 to #4?


New member
I have been told that the 686-0, 686-1 and 686-2 all have a smaller cylinder diameter than the later model 686 Models.
Hmmm, interesting, first I've ever heard that. Nothing in the Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson about any change in cylinder diameter either. The only change that occured at the introduction of the -3 was a new yoke retention system.



New member
The distance from #1 to #4 (across the cylinder, inside of one chamber to the other) is 1.56 cm = 0.614" on my 686-4. Is that what you were looking for?


New member
That is interesting. Looks like the 686-4 is also the same chamber to chamber dimension as my 686-1.
Talked with Tom at TK today. The clips I got measure 0.650 inside to inside.
Keeping in mind the groove the clip snaps into on the shell will allow the ammo to be inboard of the 0.650 measurement. Tom thought the older ones would take a 0.635 Clip if I understood him correctly. (Which is not currently made as far as he knows.)
That would make for a measurment of around 0.628 inside to inside between Chamber 1 and Chamber 4 on the newer ones I would think.

If some one with a newer one than a 686-4 would also take a measurment and let us know what it is.

I got to thinking that I had reworked a couple clips years ago, and got them to work. I checked the wifes dresser and located 2 moon clips with 357 Mag ammo in them. The Dremel job I did was not perfect, as the measurments were between 0.630 and 0.640 on both. Both clips worked fine. That would indicate Tom was correct on a Clip Diameter of 0.635 being correct.

Now a decision, to spend a couple hundred to have Tom tool up and make me a few correct clips, or get out the Dremel Tool and modify the ones I have to get them to work.

The reading I have done the last couple days did not mention a cylinder size change either.

I sure like the Moon Clips. Nice to pick up your Speed Loaders after a Stage with all your fired brass still in them. No Lost Cases.

I have always shot either my 625 or 610 in Matches in Revolver Division until lately when I decided to shoot the wifes house gun (686) a little. I have started reloading 38 Special's for my 638 I shoot in CCW Division in quantity, and shooting the 686 with the same ammo looked like a good idea. That is why the priority of getting the 686 to work with Moon Clips had not been a big issue before now.



New member
I got the Dremel Tool out and went to work on the .650 Moon Clips converting them to .635's. I got 8 converted with no issues before my single stone that was the correct size wore out on me. I will get a few more tomorrow. Looks like I can convert over 10 per hour. Looks like I have several on hand. Several being probably 60 counting the last ones from TK.

It is taking about 3 trys on average to get them working. I have been hitting all 6 holes, then trying the clip, then another round on all 6. Try again. Some times they are correct on the second round, sometimes it takes a third round. I tryed Micing them to start with. Grind and try in the cylinder seems to work fine. It is not that hard. I may take all the shells out and hit them with a round polishing rod after I get them all converted.
