6.8 SPC build underway on 70's era Remy 700 BDL...

yes... the old 22-250 barrel is off, & the chamber throat is even further gone than my retired builder buddy thought, with it on the gun...

so today I ordered ( from PTG ) a one piece bolt, with Sako medium extractor, & round knurled bolt handle, with a 6.8 - .420" bolt face, with spiral flutes... ( a 4-6 week lead time part )

the stainless BDL magazine box is ordered...

I've registered & been chatting on the build, on the 6.8 Forum, & it's looking like I'm committed ( or maybe should be :eek: )

sounds like I want the SPC-2 Reamer, with the longer throat... barrel is likely going to be a Shilen #5 profile stainless "match" 1 in 10" barrel

anyone played with similar, suggestions or comments ???

... & yes, I know it's not very cost effective... about $500.00 worth of parts, but my buddy appreciates the work, & extra spending money for the machining, plus the value of the rifle to start with... ( which is pretty plain... has the black fore end, & grip cap often seen, but very plain wood )

so I'll have a little more in cost plus value of the original rifle, than a new one costs, but unfortunately, I think it'll be of much better quality, than a new Remy... I've not been impressed with very many of their new rifles :eek:

I'll try to post a few pics along the way... here is one ( a before pic )... 5th rifle down on the left side...

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New member
The gunsmith I'm using to build my rifle was very firm that I order the Select Match barrel from Shilen. The person I spoke to at Shilen was very helpful and nice, answering all of my questions. It took 4 months before the barrel shipped.

Looking forward to seeing your new rifle when you get it and what it can do to a target.
suggestions on if a "finish" is needed for the bolt... they make them from Chrome moly, & I think it's polished... but my hands have been known to sweat, even profusely when it's hot & humid... my machinist buddy suggests "if" I'm going to plate it or put a finish on it, to do so, before fitting the barrel... so suggestions for plating or coating of a bolt with flutes ???

was thinking maybe one of those self lubricating finishes they use on semi autos ???
an original Herter's .270 with a Herter's 4-12X scope...

I actually parted with that one about 6 months ago, as I shoot all my guns as often as I can, & thought that wasn't the best format for a .270... it was a beautiful gun though... the new owner put it in his Herter's rifle collection...

I hate that they resurrected the Herter's name with cheap ammo... being from southern MN, there are tons of Herter's collectors around here...:)


New member
If you have not ordered the barrel yet. Get the spc II chamber. I would also advise you to get a 1 in 11 or even a 1 in 12 twist. That is the new standard for 6.8 round.


Since the 6.8 was custom built to fit in an AR magazine, I see no logical reason to waste the effort to put it into a bolt action which will accommodate a much more effective cartridge. That's just my opinion.


New member
Mobuck, I can see it. The 6.8 will yield a 300 yard-capable deer rifle with much less recoil than other, more capable chamberings, while offering good support for bullet selection and consuming less powder for reloading considerations.

Has more application than that SSK rifle on the threads a month ago... 2400 grain bullet, 240 grains of powder, somewhere north of 120 ft pounds of recoil energy...
MOBUCK... I can understand your thinking, however this build will be for a gun that gets shot a lot, at ranges from 50-300 yards, at paper... yep, could shoot deer with it, but I have plenty of other calibers for that, so this will pretty much be a fun gun to shoot at targets...

part of it's appeal ( & of the cartridges / rifles in this group of my collection ) is that they are all pretty efficient, use less powder than some others, cases should have good life, can use common cheaper bulk bullets if desired, but also have target bullets available... 17 Fireball & 223 Remington are the smaller cartridges, there are several bigger bores as well... the 6.8 aught to make a nice, pleasant, shooting mid bore off the bench, for casual shooting... sure a PPC or other short target round would work as nice or better if I were doing competition grade shooting, but for casual recreational shooting, & since I already had the dies, brass & bullets for a Contender barrel, outfitting the reloading bench for the "new" rifle is efficient as well :)
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parts are starting to come in... got my stainless 6.8 mag box yesterday... bolt is still 5-6 weeks out... hope to have the barrel next week, then in the next week or so, buy the reamer...

my machinist buddy is have some water prevention work done in his basement shop, so it'll be a couple weeks before he can start work on the rifle anyway

thinking about putting a Vortex Viper 4-12X scope on this when completed ???


New member
I shoot the 6.8SPCII in an AR15 configuration. It is a great coyote round and easy on the shoulder for a day at the range. I wouldn't hesitate having a bolt action chambered for the round and would hunt with it. It's basically a .270 short and should be used as such for hunting.


New member
If you ever did decide to hunt with it, Sierra makes a .277 110 gr Pro-Hunter that would work great for the 6.8 SPC. Alot of good .277 90 gr varmint bullets available as well.
probably when it comes to picking the 1st couple bullets, accuracy at 300 yards, & cost will be the most important traits, as I plan to shoot it a lot at paper, & less at fur...

I couldn't believe how hot the barrel of the 25-06, that I was shooting this last weekend, got... slow fire, & left the bolt open between shots, & it was even quite cool outside on Monday, when I was shooting...