6.5 Creedmoor Brass From .243 Win.


New member
I read about a fella converting .243 win to 6.5 Creedmoor by simply trimming .243 to 1.920 then running it through the Creedmoor die.
I found that there are 3 brands of cases that work best for this conversion, Winchester, Remington Peters, Federal.
So far one brand I found absolutely was horrible and should not be used, Perfecta.
I used a Lyman Trim-It case trimmer chucked in a cordless drill to get brass close to 1.920, then my Forster case trimmer finished the brass.
Also found there was no difference in the neck from that of Hornady 6.5 Creedmoor brass as far as thickness and inside diameter, and outside diameter.
I do not currently own a .243 win rifle at this time, but I do have 500-600 oncefired cases for it, and so after more testing I just may have a ton of Creedmoor brass..
Always a good thing to have a unending supply swaggable brass. And as read your stash of 243 brass is indeed larger than mine. And I do have a 243.:D