59/66 grenade launcher question


New member
Gentlemen, forgive my ignorance, but I have a 59/66, but the grenade launcher has holes around the front edge...is this a Kali mod I didn't ask for, or is it the grenade launcher?


New member
Cali requires that the laucher be removed and threads cut off.

Might be an attempt at a homemade flash suppressor or brake.


New member
ok, well, thought that kali mod required a muzzle brake permanently attached... its definitely not a homemade hack job to clean for that...came from centerfire systems directly anyway.


New member
Well I reached the end of my expertise on the subject.
Which is basically mine doesn't have any holes

These guys may be able to help youSimonov.net


New member
Mine has no holes BUT

I have seen a few that had holes, and appeared to be made that way...But my recollection was that the holes were on the barrel end, not towards the muzzle...My memory could be a bit fuzzy though..it happens.


New member
The grenade launchers had holes drilled in them on some of the earlier models, but it was discontinued as they had no real effect other than making the rifle somewhat louder.