.577 Tyrannosaur vs an actual Tyrannosaurus Rex!?

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New member
Sorry, this was just for poops and giggles. I was watching JonTron's review of jurassic park and this suddenly popped into my head. There's no dought that it would take more than one shot unless you were in the perfect setup, but how do you think it would do? :D

Wikipedia ballistics... Take them for what they're worth, I suppose. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.577_Tyrannosaur
Well Wikipedia reckons that the average African elephant weighs between 7,700lbs and 26,000lbs and T Rex around 15,000lbs.

So if the 577 Trex can take an elephant I assume it could take a Trex.

I had to laugh when I watched that movie the other day, when they mentioned about getting a gun to protect themselves, I knew it'd be a shotgun, then saw the produce a Spaz 12.


New member
Hmm... That's true, but I would assume a T-Rex might have tougher muscles, etc.

LOL, I can't even imagine trying to use a shotgun on a T-Rex :D
I mean, I don't want to be one of "those" guys, but if you have a 12 guage with buckshot, you might as well just drop the weight of the gun. Throw it and run for your life :)

Weight isn't everything, but that does make sense in a way.
We try to keep the conversations at least passingly realistic.

Unless someone invents a time machine, this isn't really passingly realistic.

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