50mm or 40mm Scope?


New member
I think you mean the objective lens diameter of the scope.

As far as hunting in the US there is not that great of an advantage for the most part. The giant moonscopes were developed in parts of Europe where it is legal to hunt at night by the light of the moon (no spotlights) and in that situation a big objective lens can be a benefit.


New member
A good quality 50 mm objective will give you a marginal advantage in low light, but tends to have a slight disadvantage in weight and price. Because you asked, I just did a side-by-side comparison with two scopes set at the same 16X, one with 40 mm obj and one with 50 mm, peering into the darkest shadows of a wooded patch 350 yards away. The 50mm wins for brightness, but the impromtu test has a major flaw... One of the scopes is a 750 dollar Burris and the other is a 79 dollar Tasco. :)

In the end, I think optical quality - overall brightness and clarity matter more than objective size. For a hunting rifle, you'll do fine with a 40 mm objective. The only reason I have the 50 mm scope is for whatever margins it gives me hunting coyotes by moonlight, on snow covered ground.


New member
I had a 50 and didn't like it due to the high rings needed for clearance. Don't notice any difference on performance with my 40.

I know I would not buy the 50 again. YMMV.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
"The 50mm gathers more light and is better for long-range shooting, all other things being equal."

Yeah, but rarely are all things being equal...
Get the 40mm.