$500 or under out the door???


New member
9mm, 15+ rd mag & 4"+ barrel

My choices so far are the Glock 17 ( local dealer $456), Walter P99(cdnn $440 + fees), Steyr M9(cdnn $279 + fees) and the SA Xd (price??)

Comments or suggestions?


New member
According to the math, you should get the Steyr. However, $500 is not too much to pay for a gun that you can shoot well. Offer still open to shoot my M9 before you buy. My buddy also has an XD 9mm. Another buddy with a CZ P-01. Another with a Glock 17. Could be a nice test night for you. Think we'll be at the NRA @ 6:30 on Wednesday.


New member
Thanks for the offer. That would be nice to be able to shoot all those different 9s but I live in the Williamsburg area and work during the week.

The Steyr is very tempting ( the price and the gun) but the parts issue is a concern. Getting a "bad" one is probably no more a risk than with any other quality firearm but knowing my luck I would get one that had issues. Still though it is in the running and if not for the no warranty it would be my first choice.

Right now the G17 is tops on my list.


New member
Before you buy, make sure you've checked out the CZ-75b. Given your criteria, it's the best 9mm out there. Unfortunately, the CZ P-01 has a barrel length of 3.5", so I can't include it as a recommendation based on your criteria. But if I could..... :D


New member
My vote is for the CZ 75 BD. It's a great weapon and a nice value, plus I personally prefer guns with external hammers. It's seems like you're leaning towards polymer (which the CZ is not), and I'm not sure what sort of trigger setup you prefer, but that will also factor into your decision.


New member
I have to say, I've shot all of the weapons listed so far, and there's not really a bad one in the bunch. The closest I've come to a 'lemon' in that list is the P99, and that's because I seem to have the worst luck with their triggers.

That said, I'm going to have to cast my vote for one that's not on the list, and that's Magnum Research's Baby Eagle (MR9900), also known as the Jericho 941. It's the same basic design as the CZ-75, but it's a bit slimmer, and in my own opinion, a little bit easier to handle.


New member
MP-44, yup thats a bit long to drive just to shoot a gun. However, you might want to make the trip on the weekend of the 29th to catch the Nation's Gun Show. Lots of pistols to feel there. Worth the price of admission just for that.


If they still have any, CDNN had FN High Powers for something like $400 a piece IIRC. Another good one is the Arcus 94 - a good quality High Power clone which is probably around for c.$300.


New member

The M9 is a little different. I like it a lot. It's the only 9mm I have.

And $200 for ammo is a nice start.



chris in va

New member
Bit of a Frankengun, but look at the CZ 40P. For $350 or less you'll get the PO1 frame and .40 slide. The more I look at it, the more it resembles a Sig...somewhat. :cool:

And of course, I'll also recommend the P01 or 75 compacts.


New member
Baby Eagle, but the cheapest i found around here is $480 adding tax will make it go over. PT92, which i ordered one for around $370 + 30 tax so $400, and a couple bucks cheaper for the Blued version.


New member
Thanks again for all the suggestions.

To up-date I ordered the Glock 17. The main reason is my 12 year old wanted the Glock the most. More interest = more time spent together shooting.