.50 cal ban?


New member
Someone told me today that new production of all .50 BMG caliber rifles has been banned. They said that the rifles currently in the market can be sold, but no new ones could be built. (similar to the AW ban)

I know that there is an anti-gunner push to make these NFA weapons, but I am sure nothing had been signed into law yet.

Who is right?


New member
i read sales to outside the US have been stopped

That is what I read too. This is a state-dept. matter, and although I disagree with it is had no 2nd amendment implication nor any effect on domestic sales. That is why this guy had me freaked out when he said domestic production had been banned.


Why do we need this big caliber anyway? Don't you know how evil it is and how many innocent women and children are victims to the .50BMG's massive destructive capability? :rolleyes:


New member
  Wednesday, December 19, 2001

Statement of Violence Policy Center on State Department Decision to Bar Export of Fifty Caliber Sniper Rifles to Civilians Abroad

Washington, DC—The Violence Policy Center (VPC) today commended the U.S. Department of State for its decision to restrict the export of deadly 50 caliber long-range sniper rifles for sale to civilians abroad. The department's decision was based on its concerns regarding the use of these powerful weapons as tools for terrorism, as documented in a comprehensive October 2001 VPC report on the weapons—Voting from the Rooftops: How the Gun Industry Armed Osama bin Laden, Other Foreign and Domestic Terrorists, and Common Criminals with 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles—by VPC Senior Policy Analyst Tom Diaz.



New member
one might think a search on www.state.gov
using rifle, export, 50bmg might turn up this restriction

i did not find anything

i even rooted thru the press releases from December 2001


New member
This guy wasn't a gun deal perchance? Dealers are always doing this to make sales.

BTW, speaking of bans and how there will never be any more of a certain weapon, let me know if you want an FNC. They are banned and it's the best firearm I've ever owned.:cool:


New member
This wasn't part of a gun deal. We were just shooting the breeze and the subject came up. I guess this guy just didn't know what he was talking about.

Mark D

New member
What exactly does this restriction fix??? Not that I'm in favor of equipping our enemies, WIlliam did enough of that for two lifetimes, but isn't this kind of futile? Wouldn't it be easier for a prospective terrorist, to purchase a surplused/stolen/liberated russian 14.5mm HMG and use it abroad, rather than cough up the $7500 for the export of a barret or something similar???

Just a thought.

If our fifties are so coveted by our opponents, why don't we allow their exportation? It seems like a perfect opportunity to root out those who are trying to supply the bad guys... I guess it follows the same logic that is applied to felons who's attempts at gun purchases are denied. "Ho, hum... Do nothing cuz it easier than doing something..."