.50/.30 sabot experience?


New member
Does anyone have any experience shooting .30 caliber bullets in a .50 muzzle loader using sabot?

I saw some advertised, but wasn't willing to jump with both feet.


New member
No but why not ???

Does anyone have any experience shooting .30 caliber bullets in a .50 muzzle loader using sabot?
NO; only .44 and .45, in a .50. However there are so many new components for MML us that it's likely there are many more, out there. Send us the link to the add but frankly, what is going on with MML's, is not my interest. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Wait....hold on just a Kentucky Fried minute....

That can't possibly be right. I was asking for a friend who TOLD ME he saw them advertised, but I think he found .50BMG .30cal sabots. There is no way a plastic petal thick enough to hold a .30 in a .50 is gonna petal back and separate at black powder speeds.

(Edited for spelling and clarity)