$5 solution to almost all your CA FSD woes.


New member
(FSD= Firearm Safety Device - DOJ "Approved" device required for all gun sales in PRK - stick aspect is that device must be appropriate/approved for what you are buying)


You are buying a gun that is unusual or old enough (P2P sales in CA require a FSD) to not be specifically mentioned by an FSD maker.

When I was shopping for my Valtro, at least one place told me that since there are no trigger locks approved specifically for the Valtro, I had to buy an electronic lock box (for $100+) since those are "encompassing".

Many dealers seem to think that the gun you are buying has to be specifically mentioned on the DOJ website as specifically compatible with the FSD.

Well, I have found the solution.

Wal MArt sells the DAC CL-551 cable lock for $4.96

The DOJ page describes the CL-551 and what guns it is approved for:

Device Make: DAC Technologies
Device Model: CL551

This device will properly function with firearms that meet the following description:

Text Description: Auto-loading rifles, bolt action rifles, pump action shotguns, double and single action revolvers, auto-loading pistols, single shot rifles, single shot shotguns, with openings and/or chambers large enough to accept a .300 inch diameter cable.

and/or the following firearm makes/models:

[pull down menu]

Read that description - it covers almost any gun - except perhaps single shot pistols.

See also:

The FSD FAQ: (I am printing it out to go pick up my Valtro)

6. How does a dealer or purchaser know which FSD is appropriate for the firearm being purchased?

The manufacturer of a DOJ-approved FSD has the option of providing a listing of specific firearms that can be used with the FSD and/or a generic description (e.g., "pistols and revolvers with a trigger guard up to 2½" inches long and up to 1 7/8" wide") of firearms with which the FSD can be properly utilized. A firearm model either needs to be listed on the FSD manufacturer's list (if provided) or meet the generic description (if provided) to be considered to be compatible with that device.

That says that your gun does not have to be mentioned specifically - only meet the generic description (emphasis mine)

Now - what do you do if the dealer thinks you are supposed to buy the lock from him at the time you get the gun?

Refer them to the roster of approved devices: http://caag.state.ca.us/firearms/fsdcertlist.htm

The first item listed makes it clear:

The safety device requirement does not apply to the following:

Persons who can demonstrate the purchase of a DOJ-approved safety device in the 30 days prior to taking possession of the firearm by presenting the device to the firearms dealer and providing the firearms dealer with a receipt showing the purchase date and model name of the device.

Bring your lock, bring your reciept (my Wal-MArt reciept has the make and model on it which is required)

Boom - the $5 solution to about 99% of your gun buying needs.


New member
The guys in the shops get real nervous when you hint at any option other than the "buy it here" one. Make sure you bring ALL DOJ stuff as mentioned above, then get ready for some patient endless conversation, repeating yourself over and over while waving the DOJ info;) Clerks in sporting goods stores don't take to independent thinking in these situations, you'll have to convince the manager.:rolleyes:
It should work, but don't be surprised if you hit a wall.
I bought a shotgun last month, even though it CAME with a DOJ approved lock, I have a gun safe and can prove it, they still insisted on the $10 lock they were comfortable with. The lock retails for $15.95, they take off $5.95 when you purchase the firearm.:rolleyes:
But I didn't feel like spending another 30 minutes argueing with hourly employees.
Anyone wanna buy a few locks cheap?


New member
DOJ requires you show proof of purchase of the lock within 30 days of taking possession of the firearm. One lock solution for all future purchases will not work if the dealer knows the regulations.

I guess I can keep returning the lock to Wal-Mart but what a hassle.


New member
The last dealer I bought from didn't even want to look at the paper work I brought with the DOJ info. :rolleyes: They were having none of that. They don't even trust the buyers. They had to make me wait a year at the counter until they made sure they had all of their own paperwork in line regarding the new laws. I'm only the customer you see. Its unpleasant enough to buy a gun from some of these people without the silly so called "safety device" law let alone get into an arguement with them. I would have let them have it if I did though. I wonder how some of these places stay in business?


New member
Well, of course the $5 solution is not a lifetime solution - we have a one handgun per month law, but if you bought a pistol and a long gun in the same month, you could use the lock twice.

Or return the lock after use.

The lady at target masters was quite impressed - she simply copied my reciept and my paper with the DOJ description of the locks use.

She verified the reciept had the model of the lock on it and I was good to go - she seemed very relieved and said the lock thing was a hassle with most customers (I presume because most are annoyed).



Moderator Emeritus
She verified the reciept had the model of the lock on it and I was good to go - she seemed very relieved and said the lock thing was a hassle with most customers (I presume because most are annoyed). -Pendragon

Its unpleasant enough to buy a gun from some of these people without the silly so called "safety device" law let alone get into an arguement with them. I would have let them have it if I did though. I wonder how some of these places stay in business? -SIGarmed

And there you see the CA strategy for banning guns completely. You can't do it all at once, or you might rouse enough angry gun owners to vote against you (or worse). So you pass incremental law after incremental law, making it more and more of a hassle just to buy, keep, transport or shoot a firearm. Do you folks think your kids are going to want to put up with this just so they can own a gun? After the programming they'll receive in school?

Oh, and SIGarmed; the folks at the shop probably weren't doing it to be jerks, it's just that every time one of these new regulations gets dropped in one's lap, one has to immediately start following it to the letter, every "i" dotted and "t" crossed, or get one's license pulled and be put out of business, maybe even get put in jail. It can make some folks a little less than freewheeling about the paperwork.


New member
Well said, Tamara.

And, as a California inmate, let me attest that it is unfortunately it is also absolutely true.

God help us all.



New member
When I purchased my Glock and Browning recently (about 2.5 weeks ago), I simply signed an affadavit that I had a secure gun safe (which I do indeed have).

Cost: $0.00 (except my previous gun safe purchase)


New member

No, the weather is not worth it.

However, Living by my Brother, Sister, Cousin (closer than a brother) and other cousin all their families, parents and wifes parents and babys little cousin - that is the reason we are still here.

Personally, I can make the break and I would be long gone - but my wife is extremely close to her mom, and I am staying for her.

But my tolerance is ebbing, as is hers...


New member
So far the three shops I usually go to here in California have ALL been really good about the gunlock thing. Yes, I do have to have one or one I bought in past 30 days that is approved, but they tell me this. They will be happy to sell me an approved one or they will be happy to see mine and the receipt listing the date. Or they will be happy to have me sign a statement that I own a gunsafe. Maybe it was just the employees at the shop you were at, but not all of the gunshops are like that.

as for the comments about moving, I agree the weather isn't worth it. I am here for financial reasons. If I get a full-time job outside the state, I am out of here. Until then, I try to vote for people with common sense. The problem is most of those people wouldn't run for office if their lives depended on it!;)


New member
What Pendragon said.

My wife and I were both born and raised in California and have an extensive network of friends and family here, as well as good jobs, a cool church and excellent martial arts instructors who we consider part of the family. While it might superficially seem to be easy to kiss it all off and move out of California, I think It would be very difficult to say goodbye to all we have here. Moreover, we've travelled all over the world and a good part of the United States and I haven't really found anywhere else I'd rather live (except for Texas, but that's another story!!).

Yeah, real estate prices and the cost of living are high, traffic is bad, there are too many people here and the politicians suck on ice and keep getting re-elected by the ignorant morons in the urban areas. All that notwithstanding, I 'm not yet willing to leave and simply turn the keys of the state over yet. It's worth a fight.

So the simple answer to your question is:

1. No, the weather ain't worth it.
2. Lots of other things ARE worth it.
3. I'm not willing to let the bastards win without a fight.

Others have made the decision to flee and I don't fault them for that. I may too, someday. But not yet.



New member
Actually, the weather is worth it. Forecast, sunny and hot, sunny and warm, sunny and mild..... In the last 6 years, I have only missed 3 matches due to weather. Thats every Saturday and Sunday for 50 weeks a year.