5.45 round problems?


New member
will i have a problem getting 5.45 rounds in the future? i am having a problem now, but at least a few places have them online. who knows were i can get them cheap?


New member
Ammoman.com is my preferred source (as well as many other people's). Eric has said he's had no problem getting 5.45 from his supplier. I haven't had any problem getting ammo from him. I would also check Dan's Ammo, as they tend to have 5.45 as well.

As there are a scad of -74s in the world (although not as many as -47s), I don't think ammo availability will be a problem. It will be vendors willing to carry it, and so far Eric will be carrying it for the foreseeable future. Heck, he's made enough money off of it from me!
