4th of July assault rifle hunting fun


New member
4th of July "assault rifle" hunting fun

I did some electrical work for a friend who owns a trophy hunting lodge and he has offered to take me on a wild boar hunt as payment. This guy hunts with plot hounds as chase/bay dogs and Pit Bulls for catch dogs (bear hunting style). The plots chased for about 10-15 min. and we followed on 4 wheelers and loosed the pits. They cought in about 30 seconds and by God did they ever catch! By the time we got to the hog the pits had torn one ear almost off and open a gaping wound under the hogs front leg, but the porker was still fighting the 80-100 lb dogs with admirable ferocity. Seeing that kind of power up close was astounding. We pulled the dogs off except for one pit on the snout and I put a shot behind its ear from about 20 yards with a 122gr Silver Bear HP. The 225LB hog went stiff legged and fell over. It kicked a few times and lay still. We had leashed all the dogs and were walking over to the hog when it stood up and prepaired to charge. I took the AK off safe and dropped the hammer again...It didn't get up.
all-in-all quite and experiance. Not what I would think of when you say "hunting" but a great way to spend the 4th of july weekend.

*edit..thats my father-in-law in the pic


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New member
Is it always boar season down there or somethin? I've got a buddy that seems to go to the Carolinas (or Georgia, or wherever it is he goes down south...) boar huntin quite a few times of the year. Seems sometimes to be year-round.


New member
Yanky, in most states hog hunting is legal year 'round. I think in texas it's legal to hunt them at night. Here in Alabama we can't hunt during the night but it is year round no bag limit.

Te Anau

New member
First off,arent you aware of the fact that according to liberals :barf: you cant possibly hunt with an AK? FeinSWINE and Kerry :barf: :barf: would be shocked!
Is that one of the AK's that CDNN has that was made from a Bulgarian parts kit and Hesse receiver? If so, how many rounds do you have through it as ive heard that the welds Hesse did on the receiver dont hold up for more than maybe 500 rounds.Does anyone know if its a big deal to have the receivers on these redone properly?


New member
What's an assault rifle?

And we can use one for hunting? Looks like even gun owners have given in to the liberal re-definition of semiauto rifles. :(

Hunting is great. I've got lots of venison and wild pig in my own freezer. But I hesitate to broadcast on an internet forum that I let my dogs mangle a game animal before I humanely end the hunt with either an arrow or bullet. Think about it.


New member
Hey, thats how they do it '98...bear hunts are the same way. Folks have been hunting with catch dogs for centuries. Are you one of the PC folks who wanted to ban Fox hunting in England???
This was my first big game hunting experiance other than still/stand hunting. Its not the way I personaly choose to hunt, but its the way they do things at the lodge I was invited to.
I think its ironic that you think its inhumane to use a dog to chase and catch an animal, but humane to stab the animal through with an arrow and let it bleed to death over 15-20 min.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Okay, guys - - EASE UP!

1. I don't like to see ANY semiauto rifle termed an "Assault Rifle" either. If it is not selective fire, it isn't one of those. I also don't like to see detachable magazines called "clips," nor pistol stocks called "grips." Nomenclature is a strange thing, and, usually it doesn't make much difference. "Assault Rifle," though, is a political hot button phrase, and I do wish that, on this forum, we would limit the use of this term to the actual sturmgewehr genre.

2. Let's don't be too critical of the traditional methods of hunting used in other locales. When and where I was growing up, it was considered the mark of a lazy hunter or a bad shot to use a shotgun on rabbits or squirrels - - These were .22 rimfire game, period. I was pretty well grown before I learned that a zig-zagging rabbit in heavy cover was a pretty durn sporting target for a shotgun, and the use of a rifle on squirrel is hazardous in highly populated areas.

3. Even if the other sportsman's type hunt is not our own choice, it is not wise to bicker amongst ourselves. There are those who would deny ANY of us ANY type of sport hunting or shooting, and we'd do well to stick together.

Be gentle with one another, friends. :)



New member
I promise to be gentle, Johnny.

Just didn't look too good, the whole "Assault Rifle" and mangled pig thing in one fell swoop. It looked like an up-and-coming "Deliverance" propaganda piece for PETA, which is a path I'd rather not see TFL go down. And I own a Catahoula Kerr hound, if anybody knows what they're bred for... ;)