4th Annual Irlene Mandrell Celebrity Shoot

Rob Pincus

New member
Just an announcment for the non-competitive shooters....

The 4th Annual IMCS will be held in Sunrise, Florida (near Ft. Lauderdale) this April 14th-16th. IMCS will again benefit Wish Upon A Star.

I hope to see several TFL members at the event.

See the thread in the competition forum and/or visit our website for more info:
(The y2k website is still being worked on, but there is a lot of good info about IMCS itself, including the results, prizes, sponsors, and celebrity guests of IMCS#3)
To all-
TFL is again proud to support this worthwhile cause. We'll be there in body, spirit and wallet. :) We try not to ask our Members to rally around too many different causes, but this is special. Wish Upon a Star foundation is one of the finest and most dedicated organizations out there.

For those who can attend, please email me. We may try to put together a BarBQ party and shootfest. For those who cannot, please consider a contribution to the shoot. Your own star will shine a bit brighter!
Rich Lucibella


Moderator Emeritus

This is a great philanthropic cause. I know I won't be able to go, but I will try to help out financially this coming spring. I hope other TFL members are able to make it though.

Thanks for posting this Rob.



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Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
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Mal H

This is, indeed, a great philanthropic cause. It is one of the few gun related happenings that truly is "for the children". I helped out last year with both spirit and wallet and look forward to doing the same this year.

Rob - quick question. Is the mailing address still the same as last year?