4k posts! Thanks, and some requests

Dave R

New member
Just hit the milestone of 4k posts. Wow. Makes ya think.

When I first visited TFL in 1999, I think I owned 3 firearms. And I was thinking about Y2k. Remember that?

I remember when I made my 1,000th post--I thanked Rich for creating TFL, and all the members for creating this great collective resource. I still feel the same, but maybe more strongly. TFL has made me confident in purchasing used firearms, helped me make basic repairs and upgrades myself, and helped me get into handloading, which I highly recommend to all. It greatly increased my enjoyment of the shooting sports. Added a whole new dimension of fun. Its rare, at my age, to get a whole new dimension of fun.

So, thanks again, Rich. More signal, less noise, is a valuable thing in today's world. And thanks, members, for your collective wisdom, good sense, and good manners. You make this a pleasant and helpful place to visit.

Now for two selfish requests.

1. More range reports. I love range reports, almost as much as shooting. Don't think you have to be Stephen A. Camp to write a range report. We all like to read about a new firearm, or even a good range session or plinking session. Virtual fun.

2. More "literature posts." Posts that people have obviously put some thought into, as opposed to a quick reply to an age-old debate. I'm thinking of George Hill's post on TWO GUNS. "Metal and Wood." Anything in the LawDog files. Hunting stories. Even the ol' "Hunting lagamorphs with Rich..." There's been less good literature lately. The talent is here...

That's it. Merry Christmas to all, and thanks again.

Dave R

New member

For the record, that ain't me. I'm six feet and 165 pounds. Practically a perfect physical specimen. You can ask my wife. :p And it took me 5 years to get tp 4k, so I don't feel like a complete keyboard potato.

Mods, feel free to red-x that shot...