495 A-Square

Harry Bonar

New member
Hey! Guys!
Well, Doc. and I finished the p-17 modificatons and it feeds A-Square monolific solids like butter. I got good square threads on the bbl. finally, he did the bolt-face and I set the headspace at .250 - not with the go-no-go guages.
We stocked up the 577 gr. Woodleigh bullets with 108 grs. of Rel. 15 powder, "fortified our livers with wine" (not really), put a sissy bag between our shoulders and the steel but of the military stock an I touched it off first.
As I've said before, these big boys do have a push! But it's not the sharp jab you get with the high intensity cartridges! With a good walnut stock, steel bedded, with a limb-saver pad on it it will be comfortable to shoot!
If any of you fellas need help on the P-17 Enfield action give us a shout, we'll be glad to help!
This is a fun gun - a 577 gr 50 cal. bullet at that "magic" velocity of 2400 fps. it's a great one to shoot - with no sights on it yet I put one centered on an old 30lb. propane tank (empty). It was great!
Comments welcome. Harry B. & "Doc"

Harry Bonar

New member
After Doc gets it stocked (He's in Florida now) we'll be glad to - He says He's going with circassian but I told him to used straight grained walnut!!:)
He'll use steel bed on it too.
I'm telling you men, these big boys do not hit you like a 378 Weatherby! It's more like a big dog jumping on you - the same with the 416 Taylor, the 9.3X62 and 9.3X64 - these German calibers belong to the medium velocity high penetration group and are very nice to shoot!
The 9.3X62 is more popular - it can be built on a 98 Mauser with no modification for feeding - the 9.3X64 just takes a small modification to the bolt-face and rails.
Yea! cases are expensive but you can reload numerous times. In Alaska the 9.3X62 is becomming popular. They are very modern case designs even though 100 years old - but then, other than Hitler and his buddies, the Germans were smart gun men!
The 9.3X64 is equivalent to the 375 H&H ballistically but with MUCH less recoil - I love then - mine has a set of double-lever set triggers on it.
Have a good Thanksgiving - don't we have much to be thankful for in our country? (if we could vote out the gun hating politicians)
Harry B.-- I get physically sick at my stomach with them!!!

Harry Bonar

New member
I first did a hacksaw cut around the joint of the bbl. close to action face to relieve pressure and bbl. came right out. Both lugs were bearing and Doc had opened the bolt face up. He used my mill to clean up most of the "ears" and then contoured.
Underneath we undercut the action below the rails about.020 on each side and the rail sides just so the case slid up through at the back, radiused the feed ramp and it fed the A-Square 577 gr monolithic solid like butter. (It wasn't quite that easy:) Doc had ordered a longer magazine box which we fit.
I got measurements and threaded the bbl. and fit to action and bolt and (of course cut the 45 degree cone,) fit the bolt and chambered the bbl.
I set headspace at .250, not with the guages but with a new A-Square case, (belt was .248 on all new cases - De-Hass gave the SAAMI drawing at .250 belt - these belts are never "over"). I like my headspace on belted mags. fitted to SAAMI dms. not the guages - I know that will raise some hackles!
Had lots of fun - I hope some of you guys build one - there are always cats and mice around back!:D
Harry B.


New member
Sounds like fun!

Sorry for reviving an old thread but this one holds some interest for me.

I have a couple of p17 actions and want to customize one to something fun; I have contemplated everything from the excellent 338-06 up to the ridiculous .577 T-Rex. The .495 A-Square is on my short list though. I was going to do a .458 Lott but ended up doing this on an Interarms action instead.

How did this project work out? Are there any pictures of the work on this thing? How did it shoot? Any tips or pointers on putting one of these together?


New member
Cool project, I too want pics. Harry, horrible racist monsters as the socialist Germans were they had some amazing inventions, guns included. STG44 for example.