.460 Roland - pros, cons, discussions


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I had the opportunity to shoot one once - for a bit of a "session."

I'm an absolute newby to the 1911 platform so couldn't really say anything relative to that, but having shot many a .44 mags out of revolvers, I'd say that for the same power level (& a tad bit "better" initial bullet diameter - as if ... ), the recoil (included was a comp in the package) was about 2/3-1/2 of same power level in a revolver .44 mag. I was suitably impressed - again, a newby to the platform.

For those who have/are, "in the know," anything one should know as far as upsides/downsides to this caliber?

I'm looking at a fairly serious investment in a 1911 platform for the initial .45ACP, but also to boost this to the .460R as a secondary "tool" - .44 mag-class woodsy carry gun, up to taking close-in elk.

I'm a reloader, & already a very "close-in" elk hunter, if that helps/matters.

All quirks, hassles, bitches/moans, perks & praises most welcome.

Even if the "close-in elk" doesn't cut it for you, what's your take overall on this cartridge, & in its platform?