.45 Professional


New member
Rob, I've never heard of this round? Is there some info around somewhere, or a webpage?

(By the way, good to see your postings again. I quit lurking and joined TFL in response to one of your posts) :)


New member
45 pro.

There was an article in Precision shooting magazine about this round.

Don't remember which issue though.

I can look it up if need be.

Rob Pincus

New member
I don't know much about it, I'm being sent a demo rifle and a handful of rounds next week. I wanted to see if anyone here had a "heads up" on it. Precision Shooter doesn't sound like the right venue for the round I am getting, but who knows...

This is a .45 cal, 230 gr bullet moving at 3300 fps from a modified AR. I believe it is going to be a .308 lower.. but I'll be sure to post details here once I know more.

The system is being marketed by the developer as an urban counter-sniper or protection overwatch round ...lots of penetration.

(Thanks Correia, I think I am going to be able to spend more time in the forums, at least for the time being. Glad to know that I brought in at least one good member.. Of course, you were probably lurking and just couldn't resist the urge to start posting and telling me how wrong I was ;) )


New member
It is basically a .284 Win case chopped off and loaded with a 230 gr. .45 ACP bullet. Looks like the .450 Marlin. One thing they talked about in the artical was the need to use differetn/special metals to make the barrel. It also sounded like the guy was still messing around with that issue. I was definatly put off by that.

Rob Pincus

New member
I have gathered that engineer involved in the development of the rifle has a background in metallurgy. I haven't heard anything about the barrel itself being exotic or outrageously expensive. In fact, the price I was told the rifle should (eventually) sell to the public for would place it in the same range as an Armalite .308.


New member
The ground rumbles, clouds boil

What power is this that calls me from the pit?

Ahhhh. A great villiany of vulgar velocity and bore size.

We of the dark council bless this projecticus and nod our aproval.


New member
Rob, don't blow yourself up!

Wasn't there an article on "The Guns of LeMag" in the Guns & Ammo 2000 Annual? (Hey, my stepfather sent it to me!) I believe it mentioned this caliber. I seem to recall that none of the "guns of LeMag" functioned very well for the author, but I could be wrong.



230 grain @ 3,300 fps? That's 5561 ft/lbs of energy.

As a comparison, the .375 H&H moves a 235 grain bullet @ 2,900 fps for 4,388 ft/lbs.

And THIS is to be shot from a AR-10 .308 frame??? The .308 moves a 200 grain bullet @ 2,400 fps for only 2,558 ft/lbs.




New member
I shoot a 500 gr. .45 cal bullet out of my .460 Weatherby at 2,600 fps. No problem with the backstop yet.


The more I think about it...

...the more I think you must have mistyped. You sure you don't mean a 230 grain bullet @ 2,300 fps for 2,701 ft/lbs? That puts it inline with the .308 winchester. That's still a mean, short/medium range antipersonel round.


I think he was joking around.


Ruben Nasser

New member

Rob Pincus

New member
Well, the rifle is sitting about 2 feet from my keyboard and I'm about to go out to the range, with Chrony. So we will know soon. I am told by the people thinking of bringing the gun and ammo to the mass market that it is 230 gr @ 3300 FPS. They're "pitch" is that it is the LE/MIL answer to 50 BMG performance at the size, wieght, function and cost of a AR. Of course, they don't mean literally 50 BMG performance.. what they mean is that I should see the practical upside of 50 BMG (penetration, pentration, and..uh, penetration.) without the downside (single shot, heavy wieght and or extrodinary cost, heavy wieght). Furthermore, this round can be "downloaded", whereas there isn't much 50-Lite ammo. In theory, you could drop mag and be loaded up with 17 rounds of frangible loads in a matter of seconds. One neat thing, the AR is a standard .223 lower and the round is fed from standard mags!

More later....