.45 Colt Leverguns (Win. v. Marlin)


New member
Looking for some comparative info on the current production Marlin 1894 and Winchester (USRAC) Trapper leverguns. Specifically, quality and quality control. I'm interested in .45 Colt caliber, but info on quality of other calibers of the same model appreciated.

1911A1 fan

New member
I have had both and IMHO I would go with the Marlin. Nothing wrong with the Winchester, but I like the style and sights on the Marlin better. Either gun will serve you well. But if you dont handload I would think you would be better off with a .44 mag rather than the .45 Colt. The Colt can be a good round but they keep em downloaded so you dont blow up that old peace maker of Grampa's


New member
They both have the quality down pretty well, you really can't go wrong with either one, so the best thing to do is go to a shop and hold each, see which feels the most comfortable to you, Rest assured whichever you buy it's a quality gun.

po boy

New member
Got both, both are great, win 92 in 45 ,slicker than snot ,and marlin 45, tank tough, have to give the nod to the marlin for ease of pulling the bolt and cleaning from the chamber end..........


New member
I'd go with the Marlin 1894. The reason is that the Marlin rifle is designed to be used with pistol length cartriges where the Winchester was designed to be used with the .30-30 length rounds. I've heard troubles about them feeding 100% because of it. :( The other reason I'd go with a Marlin is the idiot buttons both manufacturers put on their rifles these days. I've been around lever action rifles since I was a kid and never had a problem with accidental discharges. So I guess I have no time for a manual safety on a lever action at all! :mad: Fortunatley, the Marlin's idiot button isn't as obnoxious and there are replacement dummy screws available that replace the button and doesn't look half bad. There is just no way to make a new lawyer's Winchester look good with that "dent" in the receiver they put that safety button in. :barf: If you are all thumbs or just not comfortable with a rifle without a safety button in addition to an external hammer then you can also leave them in but personally, I won't have them. John Wayne never needed one and as any CAS shooter can tell you, John Wayne can do no wrong. :D


New member
Thanks for all the feedback so far. I hope to read even more from others.

FWIW, I do handload, and I am well aware of the potential .45 Colt has when handloaded. Also, there are factory loads like the Buffalo Bore "Heavy" .45 Colt loads that seem to outperform even heavy .44 Mag loads.

I'm familiar with the sights on both, and have already decided to go with either Ashley Outdoors ghost-ring sights, or add a tang peep sight. I simply don't like open notch sights on a rifle, whether it is on an M1903, an SKS/AK, or a lever gun.

The point about the idiot buttons (safeties) is well taken. USRAC should be haunted by the ghost of John M. Browning for adding that button in the dent on the side of the receiver. :mad: However, for this acquisition, appearance is not really an issue. I need functionality above all.


New member
For a pistol round lever gun, nothing will touch the Marlin for accuracy, action speed, and cleaning ease. Winchester is the choice IF you are looking at the 1892 model in 44 mag. or the big 1886 45-70.


New member
I hear alot of people say that Marlins are more reliable than pistol caliber Win 94's due to the original design being built around the .30-30 length cartridge. I don't have any experience with the .45's but I have a Winchester Trapper 94 in .357 Mag and it will feed everything I put in it to include .38 full wadcutters. I have read test articles on Marlins that state that they will not reliably feed anything but full length .357's. Now I'll admit that I'd prefer a Winchester 92 for pistol caliber rounds but my experience with the 94 has been very positive.


New member
My Win 94 in 45 colt has never given me any reliability problems, or jams, nowhere near as smooth as my 60 year old 94 30 WCF, but not too bad


New member
My $.02
I've been shooting the Win.94 Trapper in .45colt for about a year now. Never had a misfeed or jam yet. Yes, the silly safety is ugly, and there is no getting 'round it short of tackwelding it in the fire mode. I've taken 2 deer with it in VT., both dropped in their tracks at about 45yds.
The Marlin is, some would say, a "better made firearm"; I found it heavier and longer length of pull. I have hunted with a 94 of different flavors for about 12 yrs. now, and short of a 94 in .357, there is no better brush gun.

Post script: If you like the Trapper, find yourself a Timber Carbine.:cool: