45 Colt and Trail Boss


New member

My Gaucho shoots very high with the mid-range charges for 255gr LSWC. at 6.2 gr I was high by over a foot...

The max loads listed are 6.5 gr at about 11,000 CUP. Looks like there is more room in the case and standard pressures for 45 Colt usually state a max of around 14,000 CUP.

Is there something strange about this fluffy powder, or is IMR just being conservative considering the old SAA revolvers out there?




New member
My SS Ruger Vaquero 4-5/8" .45 Colt shoots POA with:

6.0 gr TB
Wolf LP Primer
250 gr Oregon Trail LRNFP
Starline Case
1.585 - 1.595" OAL

Maybe you could back off on the charge and get point of aim (POA). You probably tried that already. I would go up to the maximum and call it a day if necessary. An accuarte round can be found with Trail Boss. Pay special attention to trying to be consistent from load to load with the expansion die. This affects the tension on the bullet and in my trials has effects on group size and POI.

The powder provides safety from double charging the case. I dig the stuff. Makes me want to take a ride down to Krispy Kreme........or maybe Dunkin' Donuts for them Yankees out there.

I tried Unique and 8.0 gr of that stuff shoots real nice with the same components!!!!!


New member

Mostly, I'm trying to adjust the loads so that I don't have to weld the front sight to make it taller...

I was thinking that hotter would shoot lower. Maybe playing with the crimps would help...

I like the semi wad-cutters and prefer heavier bullets. I was wondering if there was anything to worry about when aproaching 90-100% load density with Trail Boss - it looks like the published max is quite conservative.

