.45 Auto with small pistol primer?!?


New member
Went to the range for my weekly session today, and when I got home, I'm tossing my brass in the tumbler. A few rounds looked "funny". I look closer, and notice that some of the brass I picked up has small pistol primer pockets!!

I've never seen .45 auto brass with the small pockets. The case length is the same as my .45 acp. The headstamp has ".45 AUTO" under "nny".

Anyone know what I picked up?

Just curious...



New member
I have some Czech 6.5x55 ammo

with the same "nny" headstamp.

My mind has slipped the name brand of the ammo.


New member

Chech ammo could be right. The "nny" does look like it could be Cyrillic.


Buy brass?!? Not likely. I'm a range scrounger from way back...


SMC might be right also. We get a lot of shooters at our range from the SAC base just down the road.

Who knows...


Jim Watson

New member
Cyrillic it is.
What looks like Roman nny is the Czech or Yugoslavian headstamp on ammo that used to be imported as Hansen brand.
Not much count. Even in calibers with the usual primer size it does not reload well. Think A-Merc.


New member
Loaded some 9mm luger for a buddy who brought some once fired brass. None of the nny brass would seat a primer properly. We separated it and tossed it out.