.45 ACP wheelguns?


New member
I'm aware of S&W's 325PD and 625 models, but how many other manufacturers are currently making a .45ACP revolver?

Would appreciate a quick review of any you have shot.


New member
Consider a Colt too. Just say "NO" to Taurus, been there, done that, the shipping trucks and the factory had it in their possesion longer than I did. See here:



UPDATE: While I do not bash all Taurus revolvers I will bash the Taurus 45 ACP. They chose to headspace the rounds on a lip in the chamber which adds to the dirty chamber, dragging cylinder/out of time issue as rounds are fired and carbon builds up in this area. Colt and S&W and others chose to use the Moon clips to headspace the rounds with which eliminates that carbon buildup in the chamber lip as there is no chamber lip. The links above also reflect others problems with the 45 ACP models, not just mine. A lot have experienced the dragging cylinder and lock up issues, not just me. And since sales are booming for Colt and S&W with the 45 ACP revolvers, how come Taurus is discontinuing the 45 ACP revolver all together? I think it is a design problem with the chamber lip deal that has caused this. Just IMHO folks, your mileage may vary. :)
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Shooter 973

New member
45 wheelguns !!!

Nobody has mentioned the Ruger's. They make Single action Blackhawks that come with 2 cylinders for 45 Colt and 45acp. I like mine to shoot the spare 45acp rounds that are making my bottom feeders choke!!! :eek: May not be what your looking for but they are pretty available. :)


New member
dont buy into 1 persons experience with a gun and assume its the norm. taurus makes great firearms, i personally have never had 1 single problem with any of my 3 taurus firearms. i did have a problem with my colt trooper mk3 though but it would be foolish to persuade others based on my experience.


New member
While I've only put 800 or so rounds through my Taurus Tracker, I haven't had any problems with it. It has a 6 1/2" barrell & is chambered in 45ACP.


New member

I have a Model 22.

Once I get it back from S&W I'll post how I like it, or don't. I love fixed sight large-bore defensive revolvers in blue and this one called to me when I walked in to the local "gun emporium".

I'm sorry to say that I had a Clinton Lock go south on me as I was breaking the beauty in. S&W has had it for a couple of weeks and I should be getting it back this week. While it was in Springfield I had the hammer "bobbed" and an action job done.

I will put this gun through it's paces, and if I get it to work 100% I will be packin' this "Boat Anchor"

Biker :)


New member
Speaking of blued .45 ACP wheelguns, I just picked up one of new 25-14's that S&W is making for Lew Horton and it's a beautiful gun: 3" tapered barrel, square butt, four screw frame, target hammer and trigger... and the grips are a work of art.


New member
Dan Wesson makes a 460 that will also fire the 45acp.

Freedom Arms will cut a second cylinder in 45acp for their 454 revolvers (or third if you add 45LC).


New member
I'm sorry to say that I had a Clinton Lock go south on me as I was breaking the beauty in. S&W has had it for a couple of weeks and I should be getting it back this week. While it was in Springfield I had the hammer "bobbed" and an action job done.

Funny you should mention that, because my girlfriend's dad's TR22 also locked up on it's first outing. At least we each got to run six through it first!:rolleyes: When he got his back from the factory, they said it had the wrong hand installed. I'll be curious to see what they say was wrong with yours.


New member
I just got off the phone with S&W and they say I should have it Friday or Monday.

I can't wait to test it out again.


Bart Noir

New member
Can't be true....

Are we being told that the locks are not a problem? Don't break? Just deal with it? Etc. Biker, did I read it right that the problem is with the lock?

Yes, it will be interesting to see if they tell him what was wrong.

And the S&W guns do have the lip in the chamber, and are supposed to headspace on them just fine, without clips. I haven't actually tried that so it will be fun. Next time I shoot the 625 I will try that and will report back if it is a problem.

Bart Noir

Richard Simmons

New member
S&W M22-4 #87 bought 11/05


S&W M25-14 #130 bought two weeks ago



New member
Are we being told that the locks are not a problem? Don't break? Just deal with it? Etc. Biker, did I read it right that the problem is with the lock?

Yes, it will be interesting to see if they tell him what was wrong.

I don't think he is referring to the "safety lock" but rather that the chamber froze up (locked) due to lack of space. My taurus does it from time to time, reason it's at the shop again. It appears in mine that when it gets a touch dirty and the clylinder seems to be a touch out of round...............ck


New member

Part of the problem I had with mine WAS the lock.

It locked up while firing. I was able to get it to fire and then took it in to the gunshop and we were able to induce a lock malfunction with dry firing.

I talked to Gene, the Gunsmith, at S&W and I should receive it back on Monday. If I don't work on Tuesday I'll give a post to let you all know how it functions.
