.45 ACP & the Jethro Bodine Ballistics Lab!

Hooooooot DOG! You must have one of those new fangled labs. I had to use steel buckets from the well and Granny's wash tub. She whooped me good when I shot the tub full of double naught buck holes and Uncle Jed told me collanders are for the kitchen, not the well, whatever a collander is.

Granny and Uncle Jed don't understand being a double naught spy and what is needed to be a good one. That is where graduating 6th grade makes a difference!
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Thanks for the test!

Mal H

Very nice setup, that's for sure.

However, as a moderator I have to make an administrative complaint about your pictures. The files are way too large! You have almost 2 1/2 Megabytes of images in your posts. When it took my relatively fast pipeline several seconds to load, I knew they had to be huge. Please have mercy on those who must use 50K dialup or less and try to make them a little less dense.

I would suggest getting "Irfanview", a freebie picture modification program, at http://www.irfanview.com


Awesome report. Would you mind putting it up on rangereports.com under the ballistic truth section?

For Mal's sake, I'll make and post a tutorial on resizing images, I notice the need for it from time to time. Maybe it's time to integrate an auto resizer into my host also.


New member
Usefull tests. You share my fondness for 230 gr. ammo.

Personally I was never quite sure why they stuck a 185 grain pill in a .45 to begin with. Reduced recoil I was told and more reliable expansion of HPs with increased velocity. But neither convinced me.



New member
How 'bout that, Mal-better? Mea culpa.

Heist, you are welcome to link to the article. I have a limited time to work on these things and the photos are what they are. The aforementioned link has larger images you can open, for those interested in seeing the detail on the expanded bullets.

I've got sort of a redheaded version of Ellie May wandering around the house somewhere... have to see if I can get her out there with her slingshot- or her XD40;)