.45 acp 1911, how slow can you go.


New member
At what point does a 1911 stop cycling with light loads?

I had always thought about 700fps was the safe low end. On another thread a gentlemen mention 600fps. I've seen loading data for as low as 500fps, but I always thought that was for a revolver.

So I was wondering if anyone had done the field work to find what that lower limit was.

DT Guy

New member
In my experience, you need to move beyond a 230 grain bullet to get much below ~780 FPS, but all my guns run an 18# spring. With a stocker, you could probably go lower.


Bongo Boy

New member
I don't know the answer but yes, the one thing you have control over is the recoil spring weight. Basic physics says, if you keep the same slide (with the same mass) and continue to lower the spring rate, you'll see slower slide cycling. At some point, this becomes noticeable to the shooter and it either a) is so fun you chuckle with delight and want more, or b) is so annoying and damaging to your split times, you give it up as a strategy for practical shooting.

Try something like a 255 gr bullet and a load giving about 660 fps. I've done this with a 16 lb spring in a Sig P220, but don't know what it would take in a 1911 to get cycling. A 255 gr lead bullet and about 3.3gr of Clays will git 'er done. Even more fun is a Trail Boss load with the same bullet...you'll just bust yer buttons with the sloppy, slow and slinky feel with say a 12 lb recoil spring.

You can do it, I'm sure. The question becomes one of whether it has any use or not. When you find yourself actually waiting for a sight picture and you can swear you're waiting for the slide to come back into battery, it's time to rethink things. You start out thinking this could never happen...but at some point you realize you've gotten good enough that waiting for the gun to cycle is bad juju.

At least for me, I'm not "waiting" per se. But you definitely sense "ching ching" and a sort of 'hanging around' for stuff to happen. It may be milleseconds, but you feel it. And as amusing as it is, and fun, it's not good for practical shooting.
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New member
4.0 grains of W231 under a 200 grains LSWC, loaded to 1.250", for 626 fps from 5" 1911's. I played the 'how low can you go' game a few years ago, when looking for a small game/pest load for the 1911.

These will work in well set-up guns with wadcutter throats and 18 lb or lighter springs, properly tensioned extractors, etc.- all the bases you would cover to make the gun reliable with any other SWC load.

Yes, I did get down into the 'high fives' but both function and accuracy went south pretty quick. The four-grain load is great for letting women & kids have a little trigger-time with the old warhorse.


New member
Thanks for the replies.
I've been using 5.4gr of unique and a 230gr lrn to get ~700fps. I call it my arthritis prevention load;)

Next time I make up a batch I'll try for 650fps. I'm happy with 700fps, but as sarge says it's nice to have a load that is easy on less experienced shooters.

foghorn leghorn

New member
I remember back in the early 70's I was reloading
Hercules unique with wadcutters in 38 spl.
I was not getting all the wax off the slugs, so
the powder was deteriorating. I was actually able to see the rounds going
to the target. They were tumbling, and when they hit the target they were going so slow that they would hit sideways and tear the target leaving 12 inch strips of paper hanging from each hole. The holes were about 1 inch in diameter.
Freaky, I'm lucky I didn't have a slug stuck in the pipe.

Just thought I would share that story. I don't know if it has any relevance.

Hey are they really going to set the oil on fire in the Gulf of Mexico.. what about global warming. Why am I doing emission control and such if the govt would just set the gulf on fire rather than clean it up.

what about all the homies in LA, (Louisiana) they are going to have breathing problems, after that.
They better start moving the FEMA trailers down there now, cause this is going to be bigger than Katrina.
If I go down there now, can I claim health problems after the fire?
Can I get some free ammo out of this. Are they going to confiscate firearms before the fire. What if the oil is driven on shore by the wind and the ground is on fire?
What if there is a hurricane during the burn? will it put the fire out?
What if I write a sequel to smoke on the water, do I have to get it approved.
What if I ask too many questions, does my head explode?
Does the White House know they are going to set the ocean on fire? Do they think it will be worse than a volcano. Do they have to stop the planes from flying. Can I get some jambalaya now, before the shrimp smell like smokey oil?