4473..and multiple handgun purchase.?


New member
Acording to the 4473 form if you are making a multiple handgun purchase at one time...the dealer must fill out another form for the ATF.

Can somenone elaberate on this.....how many does it require.....will ( 2 ) cause this form to be filled out?
Will it cause me grief?
Will I now be flagged as a potential gun traficker?
Will my NICS checks NOW start to become delayed?

Concerned, WOLF


New member
I was under the impression that it was a no-no to acquire more than one handgun per transaction, (i.e. at the same time).
Tried looking in ATF server for more light on this, but cannot get in, must be down.

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler


New member
To my knowledge, Two guns two sets of paper work,one insta check. And I think there is an extra form because of a multiple purchase
Hope this helps :)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.


New member
I'm not a dealer so I don't know for sure the requirements for reporting multiple purchases. But if memory serves me correctly dealers have been required for some years (since 1968?) to report multiple purchases (on the same day) to BAFT. I don't remember what the number was - maybe 3 - but other than the reporting there was no other BAFT hinderance on the purchase of multiple guns.

Kind of a similar requirement to that laid on banks to make special reports of certain kinds of cash transactions. Nothing prohibits the transaction, the bank just has to report it.

Jim Fox


Staff Alumnus
I've done multiple purchases and only filled out one 4473, both for myself and others (when I'm working at the shop). Remember, the form *does* have multiple lines under the gun ID section. They aren't there to look pretty.


New member
Without a little research, I can't give you the form's number, or exact details. This is from memory, so I could be wrong on a couple things. Keep in mind that this applies to purchases of Handguns, Long Guns, or a combination of both.

If you make more than ONE firearm purchase in a 7 DAY PERIOD, from the SAME DEALER, that dealer is required to report that information to the BATF. This is a form that the DEALER fills out, not you. In most cases you don't even know the form is being sent in, as the dealer is not suppose to tell you about it. The form lists the make, model and serial number of your purchases. The government claims that this information is required to prevent "straw purchases".

So folks, here's the bad news. If you have made more than one firearm purchase from the same dealer within a 7 day period, not only does the FBI have a record of the purchase through NICS, but the BATF also has the make, model, and serial number. And most of us didn't even know we where being reported.

I found out about this AFTER I had made 2 multi purchases in the last few months. Now the BATF has detailed info on the majority of my guns :mad:


[This message has been edited by Gusgus (edited March 21, 2000).]


New member

I posted about this form in the G.D. forum a couple of days ago. The link is http://www.thefiringline.com:8080/forums/showthread.php?threadid=34975

As David points out, the purchaser will generally be unaware of this form and that it will be sent.

Note that the form ONLY refers to pistols and revolvers.

Pretty spiff-ito, eh?



New member
Got it guys thanks,

This sucks big time. I live in NJ and here thanks to our GOV/Whitman we are a point of call state for NICS, administered by the State Police.
It costs us $15 for each NICS check, even though it's supposed to be free.

But I am going to pop for the additional $15 dollars and complete my purchase seperate from each other about a week or so apart.

Just don't like the idea of being on a "short list" in the area "to be watched" for gun traficking.

Thanks again, WOLF